
82 4 3

Started Oct. 2. 2018

(Y/n) pulled her VR helmet off and rubbed her eyes

"Stupid school... Ruining my fun with my friends..." She grumbled. (Y/n) got off her bed and grabbed the box of chocolates, bringing them over to the computer. She threw a shirt off the spiny chair and sat down, booting up the computer.

"Father said I'm transferring to One Piece Academy... I might as well find out what I'm going up against..." (Y/n) said aloud, logging onto the computer before grabbing a chocolate bar from the box. She in wrapped it and took a bite, savouring the taste of the chocolate. Google appeared on screen and (Y/n) typed in the school's name.

"One Piece Academy... Umm.... One Piece Academy is the number one school for troubled children. Children sent there are trouble makers, law breakers and children who get terrible grades. Children don't leave unless the sentence they're given is served. Sentences can be shortened or added on to depending on what the children choose to do at the school." (Y/n) read. She blinked once, grabbing another chocolate bar. "Ok... So it's a school for the criminally gifted... Why on earth am I being sent there?!" She asked.

"Probably because of my stupid power..." (Y/n) mumbled, shaking her head. "My parents are so stupid..."


"Kid! Because you tried to kill Law again, you get to show the new student around on Monday." A man announced. He had red hair and a metal arm. He sat in the front of the class with his legs propped up on the table.

"WHAT!?!" A kid at the back stood up in an angry rage. He had spiky red hair and no eyebrows. A pair of goggles held his hair out of his face and he wore the school uniform. A white button up, black pants and a red tie. "WHY THE HECK AM I BEING PUNISHED!?!" The man at the front didn't seemed fazed by the boy's attitude.

"It's either show the new kid around or get your time extended another year." The man said, shrugging. "It's your choice." Kid glared at the teacher and sat back down.

"Fine...." He muttered. "I'll show the stupid new kid around..." The red headed teacher grinned.

"Great! Now, do what you want for the rest of class. Except killing each other." The man said before grabbing a bottle of booze from his desk.


(Y/n) spun around in her chair a couple times.

"I'm... So.... Board..." She groaned. (Y/n) stopped herself from spinning and looked at the empty box of chocolate bars. "I need more food... But that involves getting up.... But I really want food.... Uggggggghhhhhhhhh........ Fine. I'm getting up, and going to get chicken nuggets." (Y/n) announced. She stood up from her chair and grabbed a baggy (Favourite Color) hoody, throwing it on over top of her tank top. She grabbed her beaten up running shoes and slipped them on before grabbing twenty dollars.

"Alright... Let's go get chicken nuggets." (Y/n) nodded to herself and left the house.


"Can I get a twenty pack of chicken nuggets please?" (Y/n) asked, rocking from her heel to her toes impatiently.

"That'll be ten dollars." The woman the the register said. (Y/n) handed the woman the twenty, getting ten dollars back. "It'll be ready in a minute." (Y/n) hummed and stepped to the side, allowing the person behind her to order.

"Chicken nugget happy meal with a regular root beer please!" The young woman next in line cheered. She wore a blue button up shirt, black jeans and army boots.

"That will be eleven dollars." The woman said.

"I only have a dollar..." The woman in blue mumbled to herself, looking at the currency in her hand. (Y/n) looked at the ten dollars in her hand and sighed.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2018 ⏰

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