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There's a range listed here, you'll obviously pick where your OC falls.

Gait: typically ungainly and encumbered, but can be very swift and highly formidable

Body Type: very dependent on their past, usually ambulatory but not always. May range from impish heights to Goliath heights and spindly weights to robust weights.

Skin Type: usually leathery, hairy/furry, horns and/or batlike wings present, probably cursed into its current condition, can sometimes shift into other forms, may have long or short claws

Eye Color: typically red, black, yellow, or entirely white, but may be just about any color and may have any number of eyes— furthermore, discoloration and mismatching colors between eyes is a common variation among demons

Hair Type: varies depending on their past but usually humanlike hair is found on the tops of their heads growing around horns of some kind

Hair Color: typically black or white but may be any color if magicked so or shapeshifted

Abnormalities: piercing and tattoos are very common among this species but some may represent runes and have a magical affect, teeth may be sharp and healthy or retractable or very broken and poorly repaired, gruesome prosthetics may have been acquired over time, each curse on a demon is going to personal and unique to the castor and the demon

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