[Chapter 5] The Mighty Fall

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Author's Note: Hey guys! So I finally updated! Woo hoo! *cue confetti and fireworks* Haha, just kidding. So I hope this chapter isn't too shitty, I had a really difficult time writing this and I kind of just wanted to get this over with and move onto the next part in the Chronicles (Just One Yesterday) which I've been dying to write since I started this book, so...yeah. (Also, I didn't read this over because I wanted to post this ASAP, so if there's any parts that don't make sense, I'm so sorry. Just comment or something and I'll go back and change it sometime soon.) Here's The Might Fall! I hope you like it and thanks for reading! -Rachael

In the van, the fire ignited and smoke began to replace the air. Anthony was the first one to wake up from the unconscious state he was put in. He gasped for air but only to choke on the smoke. He couldn't see anything, for there was a bag over his head. He tried to move his hands, but they were bound together with a rope. Anthony began to freak out. "HELP! HELP ME!" he croaked as he began to flop around the back of the van like a fish out of water. Slowly, his friends began to wake up too.

By accident, Anthony snagged the rope tying his hands together on the tip of Phil's hook hand and his hands were freed. It took him a few seconds to actually realize that he was now able to, and was, flailing his arms in the air. "Oh." He ripped the bag off of his head and his eyes were immediately attacked with the burning sensation from the smoke. He closed his eyes and began blindly looking for a way out - pushing his way to the back of the van where he grabbed a handle of some sort and pushed it open. The van doors swung open and Anthony tumbled out of the van.

He immediately began helping his friends out of the back of the van that was still in flames. He, along with his friends, began to cough violently and gasp for air. He also pulled out a fire extinguisher which was conveniently there, pulling the pin out and starting to drown the fire with the white foam.

They didn't realize it until they ripped the bags off of their heads that coming towards them was a group of people riding bikes - leading the group was their own friend, Felix Kjellberg. The six kids behind him, six of his "bros", dismounted from their bikes and pulled out weapons from behind their backs - a crowbar, a sledgehammer, a set of nunchuks, a chain, a baseball bat, and a set of handle bars. In Felix's hands was a laptop.

"Does that kid have a fucking set of nunchuks?" Ian muttered under his breath.

"Felix," Phil remarked, ignoring Ian's comment, and took a step towards the famous YouTuber, "Let's talk things out."

"Sorry, Phil, I wasn't told to 'talk things out'," The Swedish native retorted coldly, looking at the children before pointing towards the four YouTubers and screaming, "KILL THEM!"

"Kill us?" Dan reiterated in disbelief. But like Felix had said, he wasn't told to "talk things out", and the kids lunged forward. Anthony, Ian, Dan, and Phil split up, running into the woods in attempt to run away from the children that had been ordered to kill them.

Two children per YouTuber. Felix chased down Phil by himself.

Ian was constantly looking over his shoulder, making sure that the distance (though it wasn't that great of a distance) between him and his chasers wasn't getting any shorter. Only if he had been paying attention, he wouldn't have ran straight into a tree. His body fell to the ground and the kids caught up with him, starting to beat him with the weapons they carried.

Dan was the next one down, followed by Anthony. The kids who were running after them caught up to them and began to do the same thing as the first set of kids were doing to them.

Phil was panting for air, pushing himself to keep running so that Felix wouldn't catch up with him. He tripped once on his shoelace, face-planting right into the ground. He got up, quickly tied his shoe, and continued running. Felix was right behind him now.

Phil broke into a empty field in the middle of the forest and looked over his shoulder to see Felix coming right at him.

"What's your problem?" Phil shouted at, who he thought was, his friend.

Felix didn't even answer him before opening the laptop lid and pressing a button on the keyboard, playing Phil's own "Valentine's Day Video". Phil stopped in his tracks and his eyes turned a bright yellow color.

Just then, Lasercorn came out of the forest behind where Felix was standing, but not too far so that he wouldn't be noticed by him or Phil. He was witness to Phil's changing eye color, and change in personality, as he turned around to face Pewdiepie.

That's when Lasercorn ran forward and snapped Felix's neck. Felix crippled to the ground, dropping the laptop. Lasercorn picked up the laptop and stopped the video. Phil's yellow eyes returned to their green color.

He hesitated a little, giving Lasercorn a confused expression, before turning around and running away. Lasercorn dropped the laptop and began to ran after him, for reasons completely different than Felix's or the children's.

Before he could get far though, he was struck in the back by an axe. He became paralyzed from the waist down and dropped to the ground. Just then, Mari and Louise came out from the shadows, starting to approach Lasercorn. 

Mari tore the axe out from Lasercorn's back and Louise kicked him over on his back. The two girls began to kick the member of Smosh Games before Mari bent down and pressed the handle of the axe up to Lasercorn's neck and Louise held his arms above his head so he couldn't move.

"M-Mari," He croaked, "W-Why are you doing this?"

She didn't even get the chance to reply to him before Louise took the axe out of Mari's hold, held it high in the air, and swung down, impaling Lasercorn square in the neck. Mari gasped in horror. "What?" Louise asked, swinging the axe over her shoulder, "He was going to die anyways...There's no need to cry about it."

"B-But-" Mari began to stuttered when Louise put her finger up, silencing Mari at once. Mari hung her head and the two of them walked away from his body, where they left him for dead, blood seeping out from beneath him.

Unlike Lasercorn, Dan, Anthony, and Ian had gotten away from the children and ran away as far as they could before their abused bodies gave out and they crawled to a (hopefully) safe place to stay for the night.

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