Meeting Silver and Blaze

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Penny flew out of the portal and into the streets as she shook off the dust on her skirt before turning around to see none of her friends around her as she walked around trying to find them, while she turned the corner of the store she saw Sonic running after Eggman and she got knocked down by someone.

"No! The Iblis Trigger got away!' Said an unfamiliar voice as another one joined in.

"Uh...Silver..?" Said the female as the silver hedgehog looked up at the purple cat as she pointed to Penny which made the silver hedgehog look at her and shriek and jump back.

"Salutations!" The two looked at each other and then looked back at Penny before the purple cat asked her a question.

"Um...are you okay?" She asked as Penny smiled.

"I'm wonderful! Thank you for asking!" She beamed as the two looked at each other again.

The silver hedgehog reached out his hand for her to grab, "Do you need to get up?" he asked before Penny jumped to her feet and made the two back away from Penny as she introduced herself to the two.

"My name is Penny! Its a pleasure to meet you!" She beamed as the two looked at her and looking at every single bit of detail from her.

"I'm Silver, Silver the Hedgehog."

The purple cat stepped forward and looked into Penny's eyes.

"I'm Blaze, Blaze the Cat."

Penny smiled again.

"It's a pleasure to meet you!" She said again which caught the attention of Blaze, "Didn't you already say that?" she asked as Penny corrected her mistake.

"So I did!" She said as her lenses zoomed in and out.

"You're...not real, are you?" Blaze asked Penny as she had a scared expression on her face and began running away from the two as they chased after her until Silver stopped to catch his breath and a speeding truck was going after him.

He gets up slowly, and in his dazed state, he doesn't notice the large truck coming up from behind him  until the honking is too late of a warning. 

"Silver!" Blaze called out to her friend as he stands up just as he's about to be hit, but from out of nowhere, Penny pushes Silver out of the way and holds her palms out and stopped it with her bare hands as it scrapped the synthetic skin off of her hands as she ran away again.

"Penny! Come back!" he starts going after Penny as the people look at the destruction Penny caused with her bare hands .Penny coming to a stop once she gets out of the alleyway, looking around for where to run next. "Um... Uh..."

Silver runs up to Penny, exasperated. "Penny! Please! What is going on?! Why are you running? How did you do that?!"

Penny became nervous again to the albino hedgehog and began stuttering. "I-I can't! Everything's fine!" she starts to hiccup with each lie, "I-I don't want to talk about it!  *hiccup*"

"Penny, if you can just tell me what's wrong, I can help you!" Silver pleaded which made Penny clench up her hands

Penny retreats from Silver by stepping back and hiding her hands in her arms. "No! No, no! You wouldn't understand..."

 "Let me try! You can trust me!"

Penny finally relents, coming up to Silver's face desperately. "You're my friend, right? You promise you're my friend?!"

" I promise." Silver said softly as Penny stood silent for a second, then, looking down at her hands.  "Silver... I'm not a real girl."

Penny shows Silver the toll of stopping the truck that would have killed him: Parts of her palm's skin have ripped away, revealing the gray metal underneath. Penny stares sadly at Silver's face, now completely astounded by his friend's secret as all he can simply say is...

"Oh. Penny, I-I don't understand..."

"Most girls are born, but I was made. I'm the world's first synthetic person capable of generating an Aura." She turns her head to the side sadly as her ears droop,  "I'm not real..."

Silver takes Penny's hands in his own, he opened them slightly and then closed them. "Of course you are. You think just because you've got nuts and bolts instead of squishy guts makes you any less real than me?"

"I don't... um..." She leans in close to Silver's face. "You're... taking this extraordinarily well."

"You're not like those robots Eggman built back there." Silver taps her chest. "You've got a heart, and a soul; I can feel it!"

 "Ooohh... oh Silver!" Penny grabs Silver's face and presses him into a hug and shakes him back and forth. "You're the best friend anyone could have!"

"I can see why Shadow would want to protect such a delicate flower! What are we friends?"

Oh, he's very sweet! And of course we are friends!" Penny said as she frowned all of a sudden when the thought of her father and Remnant, she missed her father and most of all Ruby.

"Penny, are you okay?" Silver asked the robot cat as she smile and nodded at the albino hedgehog until she heard Eggman's machines coming, searching for them. 

Penny grabs Silver by the shoulders. "You have to hide!" She lifts Silver above her head effortlessly.

Silver struggles and screams as he is carried toward the dumpster. "Penny, wait! What are you doing? You don't have to go with them! I can help you!"

Penny throws Silver in the trash and lifts the lid so she can still talk. "It's okay, Silver. I can handle things from here, just stay down so you won't get hurt and also just promise me you won't tell anyone else my secret. Okay?" She gravely stares at Silver who got nervous by the glare Penny gave him as he smiles and nods.

Penny closed the dumpster lid and Silver lifted it to see Penny running so she could distract Eggman from getting Silver as he looks on in sadness... until a rat screeches from below his feet, causing the young hedgehog  to fall and close the lid on himself.

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