A New Beginning

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I stood watching the brown box being lowered into the ground. The box contained the body of my now deceased father! I stood there staring as others around me cried endless tears. I wouldn't shed a tear for this monster! Years of pain and suffering flooded my mind, as people threw dirt on his grave. I stood there waiting until everyone had left. I crouched down, as though I was afraid that someone would hear me.

"Rest in pieces you son of a bitch." Instead of throwing dirt I just spat on his grave. I know very lady like of me, but I was sick of him and his mind games, sick of what he put me through! Now I was free, free to return to the place I would always call home and to the people I deemed my true family!

After the funeral and wake I head to the house that held one to many horrors for me. I stood in the now bare living room. No furniture, no pictures, no possessions whatsoever were to be seen! All that was in the room was three large suitcases, which held my entire life! All stuff belonging to my father were either sold, given away or burned! All pictures of him, me and my mother were cut so that he wasn't included in them, I only had two pictures of my mother. One was when I was born and the other was my 6th birthday. Two days before the crash that snatched her from me! Those were simpler and better times. I had my friends and family around me, it was a time when my father wasn't violent or drunk or shagging anything with big tits that moved. I sighed as I was brought back to reality by the loud honking of the taxi outside. Picking up my stuff I walked out the house and into the waiting taxi. I was on my way home!

After what seemed like a never ending trip I finally landed in Seattle. I hired a car and set out on the next leg of my journey, my journey to Forks. As I got closer to my destination, the smile I had constantly plastered on my face grew bigger. I was finally feeling safe, no more bruises that I'd have to cover or find ways of explaining how they happened. No more lying or living in fear. Freedom felt great. I finally passed the sign saying 'Welcome to Forks' and the next thing I knew I was pulling up to a white house with a porch. On said porch was a middle aged man with a moustache, a mousy brown haired girl. A Native American in a wheelchair and a boy around the girls age. I turned off the engine and climbed out. Sweat covered my palms as I stood there, facing away from the quartet.

"Can I help you?" A mans voice asked gently! I turned to them, fighting back the tears that threatened to fall. "Ali?"

"Hi uncle Charlie!" With that I was swept up into a hug from him. I glanced at the girl who looked both confused and jealous. "Hi Bella." I said as Charlie placed me down. Suddenly the jealousy fell away and she crashed into me.

"Ali oh my god I thought I'd never see you again." I smiled at her as I turned to the two natives.

"Hi Papa." I lent down into the arms of the man I used to call my second father. He squeezed me tight, as though frightened that I would vanish if he didn't.

"Little Wolf, it's been too long." I stood up and saw his eyes glistening with the tears he so long ago thought dried up. "You look just like your mother!" I smiled coughing to stop myself crying. I turned to the boy who smiled and pulled me into an even tighter hug.

"Hey Loca!" He whispered into my hair. "I've missed you!"

"I've missed you too J." He smiled at my name for him. He looked down and saw my necklace.

"You still have that thing?" I nodded as I gently held the hand carved wooden wolf pendant that his father had made.

"It's kept me safe." I replied looking from him to his father. "Now you gonna help me with my bags or just stand around looking ugly?" I questioned turning away from him.

"I'm gonna stand looking pre...hay you said ugly didn't you?" I laughed as he glared at me. "Something's haven't changed."

Once all my bags were brought into my room I said my goodbyes to Billy and Jake. Promising that I'd visit the Rez the following day. I laid down on my back taking a deep breath and letting out a sigh.

"Wow you sound like you've had a tough time." I looked over and saw Bella leaning against my door frame.

"You have no idea." She came and sat with me on my bed, "I didn't want to leave Bella. After mum died, dad changed. He tore me from this place, from my home and moved me to a completely different country. Said we wasn't wanted here anymore. But he wouldn't let me contact anyone. I wasn't allowed any friends, he even changed my name. It's like he didn't want to be found." Suddenly I feel a hand on my face as Bella wipes away the stray tears.

"It's ok you're home now." She whispered as she pulled me into a hug. There was a gentle knock on the door and I felt another presence in the room. Pulling away from Bella I saw a rather pale looking boy. I looked from him, to Bella and then back. "This is Edward" Bella finally chipped in. "My boyfriend." I blinked more times than I cared to count. "Ali?" I could here worry in Bella's voice.

"It's ok Bella, she's in shock. Also a little scared!" He said gently! "Ali!" I looked at him and saw him wince in pain. "You have nothing to be afraid of, I won't hurt you."

"That's...that's what they all said." I whispered thinking he didn't hear me. I looked at him and saw sorrow, pain, remorse and anger all flow across his face. I cleared my throat and spoke louder. "It's nice to meet you Edward, can I call you Eddie?" He grimaced and I laughed. "Now Bella if you don't mind I've had a long journey and want to be bright eyed and bushy tailed for when I go to the Rez tomorrow!" She understood what I said and nodded, dragging Edward out. "It was nice meeting you Eddie." I shouted as they left. I changed into some nightwear and then climbed into bed. I was out like a light as soon as my head hit the pillow.

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