It Starts at Dawn.

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The next day I got up and walked down into the kitchen. Sam was there cooking. "I'm not a master of the kitchen. Not like Emily was." He looked at the food sadly, jealousy raced through my body. I knew I shouldn't be jealous, after all she's dead, but knowing he still felt something for her whereas all that type of love for Leah vanished when he imprinted on Emily. So why hasn't it where Emily is concerned.

"I'm sure it's edible." I replied trying to hide any type of emotion. We sat and had breakfast in quiet. To be honest it wasn't that bad. "So any idea who my father is?" Sam shook his head whilst shoving some pancake into his mouth. "Billy hasn't told you?" Again he shook his head. I stood up sighing. "It's like getting blood from a stone." I muttered, not really caring if he could hear me or not. I walked upstairs and into the bathroom. I stood there, letting the hot water run over my body. Soothing the aches as it went. I didn't realise until now how stressed I was. It wasn't until all this happened, before it all I wasn't stressed at all. I placed my palms on the cool tiles, feeling the ceramic and moisture from the condensation brought me back to reality. Shutting off the water I wrapped a fluffy white towel around my body. As I dried myself a pain shot through my abdomen, Sam was right I would need those tampons sooner or later. I went to fold up the towel and saw a red stain on it. I suppose sooner became now. I rummaged through the bag and pulled out the box. After doing my business I walked into the bedroom to find Sam sat on the bed. His head lifted towards me, he took a deep breath.

"Told you you'd need them." He laughed

"That's just gross." I grabbed a pile of clothes. I turned to him and saw his eyes were almost black. "Sam are you ok?"

He just nodded. "It's the wolf trying to push through. You being my imprint, every time you get your period, the wolf will try and push through."

"It wants to mate?" I nodded "curb your animalistic urges for now please."

He smiled at me. "I'll try, but I can't promise anything." I laughed shaking my head, turning and walking out the door.

I went into the laundry room and put a load into the washer, along with the towel. No way was I going to let that stain any further. I walked out and into the kitchen when I was met with the guys barging in demanding door.

"Good morning to you too." I grumbled slightly. I placed the kettle on to boil and turned to face the guys. They were all stood there staring at me, all bar Jared had black eyes. "Oh crap." I muttered as Paul took a step forward. "SAM!" I yelled as I backed up against the counter. Fear raked through my body. The way Paul was acting brought back bad memories, memories I had thought were pushed deep into my subconscious. I heard the thudding of feet down the stairs.

"Paul, back off." Sam growled as he stepped in front of me. Paul fought against the alpha command. "I mean it Paul." Finally Paul backed off apologising to Sam. Sam looked at the others and saw their eyes. "All of you out now. Jared you stay I need your help." Jared nodded as the others left.

"What up boss?"

"Why didn't you act like them?" He asked curiously.

Jared pulled up a stool and sat down. "Well I've imprinted on and marked Kim, so my wolf is happy with her. I don't think it needs anyone else. It's also why they don't go crazy when Kim is in this situation."

"Cus you've marked her!" It was more of a statement than question, but Jared still nodded his head. I looked at Sam shaking my head.

"I'm not ready to be marked yet." Sam nodded his head in understanding.

"Your pace remember?" He wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I found myself  leaning into him, into the warmth. Jared said his goodbyes and went either to patrol or see Kim. I wasn't really paying attention, I was too comfortable to even care about the fact that Sam was on the phone to someone. The next thing I know my warmth is being taken from me. I look up and see Sam moving towards the door.

"Where you off to in a hurry?"

"Jake called. Something about Bella being in trouble." I rolled my eyes turning towards the tv.

"When isn't that girl in trouble. It's what she gets for being with a bloodsucker." I heard Sam laugh just before the door closed. "But whatever, go running to save her. It's what everyone is doing, why should you be any different."

A few hours passed and I grew tired of waiting for everyone to come back, so I decided to go home. Climbing into my recur I felt a sudden unease in my stomach. Like an impending doom was on its way. Shaking off the feeling I drove home. Halfway home the rain started to slowly fall. Suddenly something flashed in front of the car. I slammed on the breaks and locked the doors. I knew if it was a vampire it would either smash the window or pull the door off, but I didn't care. I looked towards the tress where it vanished and saw a deer. I let out the breath I had been holding, started the car and continued home. I finally arrived home and saw the porch light was on, indicating that someone was home. I climbed out of the car and ran towards the front door.


Shutting the door behind me I shook my jacket off. "Charlie? Bella?" I called out and was met by silence. I walked into the living room to find Charlie fast asleep on the couch, with the TV on some random show. I quietly turned the tv off and placed a blanket over Charlie. After switching off the lamp I quickly and quietly climbed the stairs to my room.

I changed into some sweats and a T-shirt. Climbed into my bed and started on some of my schoolwork. I was determined to finished these courses. I was determined to make something of myself. I had been studying for three hours by the time I heard footsteps. The sound of movement in Bella's room told me she was back, and sure enough I heard Edward with her. I snuck to my bedroom door and listened to their conversation.

"Edward I don't want you fighting. I don't want Jacob and the wolves fighting. If you change me now I can help."

"Bella we've spoken about this. I'm not changing you for a number of reasons. One, I don't care that my family have voted to change you, two the wolves gives you more protection and three I'm not fighting I'm going to be with you out of the way." The mention of him not fighting and the wolves fighting sent me over the edge. I stormed out of my room and into Bella's.

"You fucking coward." I yelled pushing him. "How can you not fight when it is Bella who is in trouble....yet again." I looked at Bella. "What is wrong with you? If you just left him alone then none of this would be happening."

"I don't know what you think is going on but you need to stay out of it." Bella glared at me.

"Stay out of it! I'm already fucking in it when Riley almost bit me last night!" Edwards eyes grew wide. "Also my friends are going to be risking their lives for you, Jacob is going to be risking his life for you. You know why? Because he is stupidly in love with you." Bella looked down. "But you already knew that. After all cousin, you've led him on for the last year and a half."

"Why are you still alive?" Edwards question to me by surprise.

"I'm sorry?"

"If Riley attacked you, you should be dead or at best a new born." He stalked towards me. I could feel the heat in my hands starting up. I clenched my fists as tight as I possibly could. "What are you hiding Alianna?"

"None of your god damn business Eddie." I took one more look at Bella. "If any of the wolves get hurt, then I'll be coming for you myself." I stormed out of her room leaving my threat hanging in the air.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2019 ⏰

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