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The next day I woke up and decided to join Bella and Jake in their bike building. I sat on an old rocking chair watching them. Suddenly Jake stood up smiling. "All done." He announced proudly. We loaded them into the bed of the truck and drove out to test them. On the way there Bella stopped the car suddenly.

"Omg did you guys see that?" Jake just laughed.

"They are cliff jumping Bella, scary as hell but a total rush. Normal people jump from lower down. We leave the showing off to Sam and his disciples."

"Sound like you hate him." I offered up.

"Embry used to call them hall monitors on steroids, now look at him." I watched the cliff and noticed what Jake meant. Embry had joined them. A part of me grew angry that he could just up and leave his friends, but another part of me knew there had to be some reason.

"Guys lets just go ok. Leave him with his new friends." I climbed in the truck, waiting for Bella and Jacob, both of whom took one more look at the gang and then climbed in too. I could see that Jacob wanted to say something, but didn't. All he did was sigh and start driving to the predetermined destination.

As we got out Jacob done his macho act and pulled both bikes from the bed of the truck with ease. "Jake! When did you get so buff?" I laughed playfully punching him. He just smiled at me, Bella on the other hand looked like hell had frozen over.

"I want to go first." I turned and saw Bella getting on a bike. Jake rushed over to explain how it works and before I could even say anything Bella was off. She was going faster and faster, looking behind her every now and then.

"Bella brake! Hit the brake Bella." Jake and I shouted out. Before we could shout again Bella was going head first over the front wheel and onto a rock. Jake and I rushed to her.

"You got a death wish Bells?" I asked as Jake bent down.

"You're bleeding." Bella's hand shot to her forehead as she apologised. "You're apologising for bleeding?" Jacob chuckled as she blushed. I watched her stare at him as he took his top off. I smirked to myself as I watched the scene play out in front of me.

"You're kind of beautiful you know that!" Bella blurred out suddenly causing Jake to laugh.

"How are did you hit your head."

"She not wrong you know." I finally spoke up, causing Bella to glare at me. I held up my hands to her in surrender.

After the short lived bike test we were heading back home, we'd dropped Jake and the bikes back off at his. Bella and I sat in the truck in silence, the worst kind of silence you could imagine. It was that tense you could slice through rock hard butter. We finally pulled up to the house and Bella jumped out. Storming into the house and going to her room. So much for the old Bella returning. I walked into the kitchen and made myself a coffee. Two seconds later Bella came bounding down the stairs.

"I'm going to the cinema with Mike, Jess and Jake." She yelled before slamming the front door.

"Oh no problem I didn't want to go anyway." I mumbled to myself as I went to my room. I sat there on my bed doing my homework. Bella had been gone over an hour, which was ok seen as she was at the movies. I knew she'd be ok as she was with Jake, he was protective of both of us, even though he was younger. It was just the attitude his folks had installed in him when he was a kid. As the time drew on, I had finished my studying and moved on to other various things - sorting through some of my stuff, reading some books, listening to music even - nothing seemed to shift the knot in my stomach. I felt as though I was being watched, it was an eerie and unnerving feeling. One I wanted to pass quickly.

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