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Author note: please be aware that this chapter has some upsetting content and may trigger some readers. The content includes abuse, both physical and sexual. Proceed if you wish.

To say I was pissed off would be lying, I was fuming. I came to the one person I thought could tell me and then he tells me about some legend. I stormed out of the house and into the woods, I know Charlie told me not to go into the woods, but at this moment in time I couldn't care less. I need air, space and solitude. The woods was the one place I knew I could find that. I walked until I found a nice spot over looking a cliff. It had a boulder that I could sit on and watch the world pass by. I sat there thinking, stewing and getting more and more angry by the minute, so angry that I felt my whole body tremble. Suddenly it stopped and I felt a presence behind me. Not wanting to turn incase it was an unwanted and unfriendly visitor. I just kept looking over the cliff.

"Whoever you are, please leave." I whispered, knowing full well if they weren't human they'd hear. The air shifted suddenly and before I knew it Leah was sitting next to me.

"You shouldn't be out here alone."

"I knew one of you guys would be around and close enough to hear if I screamed." She laughed and nudged me. "So what's it like being the only female wolf."

"Strange. I hear all their thoughts when in wolf form. Sam's are nothing but miserable and whining about Emily, I was hoping he'd get over her and give us a second go. Looks like I'm going to have to try harder. I've been to his and set up this little romantic evening. See if that does anything." I just nodded at her. Not wanting to make her angry so I kept my thoughts to myself. "Thank you for keeping the old stocked up, knowing Sam he wouldn't have done that."

"It's the least I could do." I looked at my hands not knowing what else to say. Leah clamped her hand over then pulling my attention back to her.

"What's wrong Little Wolf?"

"Just found out my dad, my real dad is part of the tribe. I'm supposed to be some mythical K'wa'iti. Bella wants to be with Edward for eternity and well my life was fucked up before and it's just gotten even more fucked up." Leah let out a puff of air as I spilled the last half about to her. "Go and enjoy your patrol, I'll be alright on my own." She nodded and told me she swaps with Sam in a few minutes and that he wouldn't be far away.

I stayed in the same spot until the sun went down, I thought about my mother, she must have been really miserable with my father if she had an affair. He must have found out no long before her death. I can remember he used to shout at her, throw things and basically make her life a living nightmare. I stood up and went to walk out the woods when I came face to face with yellow eyes sticking out the bushes.

"Sam?" I questioned, sure enough a pie black wolf stalked out of the bushes staring at me. When he got closer I saw myself reflected in his eyes and the world stopped. I saw flashes of a life I hadn't lived. Me laughing with Sam as he held me close. A life I, deep down, always wanted to have but was too scared to accept. A howl rose in the night, cutting our connection. It wasn't a howl of pain or anything, but a howl to come home. Instead of answering the call Sam phased in front of me and just stared at me.

"It's not possible." He muttered as he turned and ran away, grabbing a pair of shorts as he did. I shook my head and stayed again in the spot until Jake turned up. I climbed on his back and he helped me out of the woods.

When we reached the treeline I climbed off his back. He phased back and I told him about what happened with Sam. Billy overheard, we were all as confused as each other. I went home determined to figure out what had happened, but it would have to wait until the morning. I laid in bed trying to sleep, but slight movement in Bella's room kept me awake. I knew Bella was out and that Charlie was downstairs, so decided to investigate myself. I walked into the room to find someone stood next to her desk. The intruder turned round, I instantly recognised him.

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