• Chapter Two •

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• Jungkook •

"Is your girl coming tonight?" Jimin asked as I quickly scoped out the dance club for that woman I had seen outside.

"Jimin," I said shaking my head, "I don't have a girl. I don't belong to no one and no one belongs to me."

Then my eyes noticed a group of immature boys gathered at one end of the bar as they stared in one direction, practically panting with their tongues hanging out like love sick puppies. My eyes quickly followed along the direction that they were staring towards to see what they were all gawking at. That's when I saw her chatting with the bartender. Even he was smitten by that beauty.

"That's not what your mom seems to think. Isn't she like planning out your future and who you are going to marry?" Jimin asked.

I grinned like a fool and turned back towards Jimin. I playfully pushed him away and said, "Well I guess if that's the case, I better have as much fun as I could before I get tied down right?"

I started walking away from Jimin and he shouted over the music after me, "Where are you going?"

I turned back to face him and hollered back at him with a smirk. "To find my dream girl!"

"And who is that?" Jimin asked with a puzzle look on his face.

I shrugged my shoulder and said with a mischevious smile, "I'll see you later."

"I'll keep your girl occupied when she shows up."

"Like I said Jimin, I don't got no girl!"

I turned back and made my way towards the bar. I kept my eyes focused on this gorgeous woman that I had seen stepped of the taxi cab earlier tonight.

When she had emerged from the taxi cab, I could tell that she looked like she had stepped outside of her normal enviroment. The dance club scene was definitely something she was not accustomed to because a stunning woman with the curves she carried, I had excepted her to unleash a huge amount of confidence. But what I saw was an awkward, sweet, shy, innocent woman as she walked passed me at the front entrance.

I was a regular at this dance club and I practically knew all the ladies that came here. But that woman, who was currently sitting at the bar, I was sure she was new because I had never seen her before. I was intrigued and wanted to know what her story was, who she was.

I stood behind her and leaned in towards her ear. She smelled so sweet like honey. It was intoxicating me. I softly whispered, "Are you here by yourself?"

I watched her jump up in her seat and I couldn't help but smile at how surprised she seemed. I placed my hands on her waist to steady her so that she wouldn't fall off of her seat.

As she slowly turned her head back to peek at me, I stepped beside her and leaned against the bar counter. I could see her eyes roaming all over me and I knew indefinitely that she liked what she saw.

When her eyes finally met mine, her face flushed bright red as she shook her head no. I pushed myself away from the counter and leaned back in towards her ear. I could see her take a deep breath and closed her eyes.

I paused for a few seconds to enjoy the affect I had on her. I watched as she gripped her clutch purse tightly in her hands. I watched as her chest heavily heaved up and down with every breath she took.

I placed my hands back on her waist and I felt her tremble at my touch as I whispered, "Would like to dance?"

She took a deep breath. "I shouldn't," she softly murmured, exhaling slowly and seductively, "My friend will be here any minute now and if I disappear, she might worry."

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