Chapter 2

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On the way to school the next morning, I sat by Layla on the bus but I still kept a close eye on the boys. 

I started to notice that Shuyang was getting nervous so, at the next stop, I moved to sit next to him.

"On a scale from one to ten, how nervous are you right now?" I asked him quietly.

He thought about it before answering me. "Seven." 

I nodded and wrapped an arm around his shoulder in a way that would, hopefully, calm him down.

"How big is the middle school?" he asked me. 

"Not as big as the high school, but it's easy to get around," I told him. He nodded and looked straight ahead of him.

I looked at the rest of the boys and they didn't seem nearly as nervous as Shuyang is. I took a mental note to give the boys a small tour of the high school. 

As we pulled up to the middle school, I moved so he could get off the bus. He looked back at us and we waved as he got off.

I went back over to Layla and let out a sigh.

"What's wrong?" she asked me.

"I feel like it wasn't a good idea to let him go to the middle school. I'll talk with the principal and see if we could get him in the high school? He'd be the youngest one, but I just feel like it'd be better," I told her. 

"Probably," she said. I glared at her as a way to silently tell her that, that statement didn't help how I was feeling.

"Ok, so, what we're going to do is show you around the school and stuff like that. Umm, I don't know what to really show them." I looked at Layla to see if she had any input.

"Oh, study hall room, their homerooms, and their main classes because, I'm guessing, they didn't sign up for any of the additional classes," Layla said as we got off the bus.

"Let's get started then." As we made our way into the school, I could see people already looking at us.

"Ok, this is the cafeteria. You sit here in the mornings until eight, cause that's when classes start," Layla said.

We made our way down one of the four halls that our school has.

"This is the library. You'll probably come in here for testing," I told them. They looked into the windows with looks that had a mixture of interest and shock.

"Just a few rooms from the library is the study hall room. You go here as a free period to get your homework done and stuff like that," Laya explained to them.

As we finished the mini-tour, we still had five minutes before eight, so we went into the cafeteria and waited.

"Do you guys have any more questions?" I asked them.

"How many classes would we share with you?" Hanyu asked me.

"I think that you two and I may have the same math period. Zeyu, XinLong, and I share the same language period. MingRui is a freshman so I have no classes with him," I explained. 

"I'm gonna leave now, so, good luck," Layla said as I said bye to her. I looked over all of their schedules once again and noted that I have lunch with XinLong only.

"Ok, we have language first, so we'll see you guys later," I said and took XinLong and Zeyu with me.

"What do we do in language?" Zeyu asked me as I led the way to our language room.

"It's basically reading class. We learn grammar, write essays, and read books as a whole class occasionally." They nodded and we entered the room.
"Ok, Zeyu, you have one more class before lunch, then you'll meet up with MingRui, Hanyu, and Zihao. Good luck!" I told him as we split.

"How long do we have lunch for?" XinLong asked me.

"Forty minutes. When we're done, I'll show you around a bit," I told him. He nodded and we sat down at a table. It was just the two of us until one of my friends came up and sat with us.

"Who's that?" he asked me.

"Mom and I are hosting exchange students. This is XinLong," I told him. He nodded and looked him up and down.

"My name's Finn." XinLong looked at him and sent him a half-smile.

"You three can go get your lunch," the lunch monitor told us.

"How am I gonna get lunch?" XinLong whispered to me as we waited in line.

"I have not thought about that. I think I have some money. Hand it to the lady and she'll give you change back," I told him and took out a twenty-dollar bill.

When we went back to our table, Finn was sitting with his other friends. I could feel their eyes on us as we walked past them.

"Who was that guy that sat with us?" XinLong asked me after a few minutes of us just sitting quietly.

"He's one of my friends," I told him. "Why do you ask?"

"He keeps looking over here. I see him," he told me. I looked up from what I was reading on my phone and I did see him and a few of our mutual friends looking at our table, specifically XinLong.

"How much until you're done?" I asked him and sat my half ate burger down and started to peel my orange.

"I'm not too hungry. Their food isn't that good," he told me.

I laughed at that remark, knowing how true it is.

"I'll show you where your next two classes are, then we can just sit in the library," I told him as we dumped our trays. 

As we left, I did catch Finn's look at the two of us. Let's just say he didn't look too happy.

Well, I know this part won't line up with the next part, as of now, so I'll edit that one right away. This one took me almost an hour and a half, so that's not too bad. Anyways, bye!! Love you all!! <3

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