Chapter 9

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"Hey, do you want to go and do something?" I looked up from my book and saw XinLong standing by my door.

"Like a date or with the boys too?" I asked him and grabbed my car keys.

"Like a date." I went still but kept moving soon after.

"I have an idea," I told him and grabbed his hand before quickly making my way downstairs. 

"We'll be back!" I yelled before shutting the door and starting my car.
It was nearing six p.m. when I pulled into a Target parking lot.

"We've been here for how long, and I didn't know you knew how to drive," he mumbled. 

"I don't really do it often cause it makes me feel on edge, but I felt like it'd be better than Mom taking us," I told him with a small laugh at the end. He smiled at me before leaning over the console to leave a small peck on my cheek.

He leaned back but kept his eyes on me. "So, what's your master plan?"

"Well, we're at Target." He smiled and motioned for me to continue, "I figured we could find little snacks and grab some small pillows and blankets." 

He was silent still so I continued, "and then I know a field that a friend of mine has. We'll go sit out there and we'll see what that leads us to."

"Let's go get those supplies then." I smiled and quickly left the car and took ahold of his hand.

As we walked through Target, I would grab a few things that I deemed useful. I did a mental check if we had everything. 

As we waiting in line, I quickly counted my money to make sure I had enough. Ever since my mom got her promotion, she finally permitted me to get a job. I put half of my money towards me and the other half is still there to help my mom if she ever needs it.

"I can help whoever's next in line," the cashier called out. I set the basket on the belt and the cashier did their job.

"Your total will be 30.27$." I took out a fifty-dollar bill and handed it to them while XinLong grabbed the few bags we had.

"Thank you," I said and put the change into one of the bags.

"We'll put these in the back seat and when we get to the field we can set everything up." He nodded and took ahold of my hand once more.

"It feels nice to hold your hand," he whispered.

"And not with Layla forcing us to." He laughed at that, remembering how Hanyu and Layla both 'helped' us with our relationship.

"She's crazy," he mumbled.

"You've only scratch the surface of Layla," I informed him. He let out a groan while I laughed at him.
While driving, I chose to go to the small beach that we have in my town. 

"You changed where we're going, didn't you," XinLong stated. I nodded and parked. It was currently seven as we made our way down to where the water met with the land.

I laid one of the blankets down so we could sit on it and not worry about getting sand on our clothes and I grabbed the other one and laid it over our legs. 

We sat quietly as we watched the sunset over the lake.

"What made you decide to do this?" I asked him.

"I wanted to talk with you. I know that Shuyang won't just come in and ask for something or Zihao asking a random question. I like it when it's just the two of us." I nodded in agreement and rested my head on his shoulder.

"I just realized how fast time has gone by. It feels like you guys just came here when you guys are leaving next month." He ran a hand through my hair while taking hold of my hand once again.

"You know that us leaving won't do anything. If anything, it'll make our relationship stronger. And, who knows, maybe you can apply for colleges in China." I never thought of that until now. Suddenly them leaving didn't seem as big anymore.

"Promise to keep this a secret?" I stuck my pinky out and he hooked his with mine. "Layla likes Zihao. She has for around a month, I think. I'm not too sure cause she just told me a few nights ago."

"Funny, Zeyu likes her and so does Zihao. Those two love each other but I think they both know who will win Layla between the two of them." I smiled, hoping that my best friend could finally have someone of her own.

"I also wanted to do this cause we've been together for almost seven months." I lifted my head and looked at him confused.

"Really? Woah. That just proves how fast time has gone," I said. He nodded with a conflicted look.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"I don't want to hurt you. I feel like once we leave you'll be hurting and I don't wanna be that reason." I stared him dead in the eyes before cupping his face in my hands.

"As long as we stay in contact, I'll be fine. If you feel like long distance won't work, I'm fine with that. As long as I know you're happy, I'm happy. Got it?" I finished my mini speech with a peck on his lips.

"Got it."
When we came back that night, Hanyu was sitting up with my mom and Zihao.

"What happen to you two?" My mom sprung up from her spot once we walked through the door.

"I said we were leaving?" I told her, confused on why she got so worked up.

"You guys were gone for almost four hours," Hanyu spoke up. That's when I understood my mom's panic.

"Sarah, I know you can handle yourself late at night, and having XinLong with you did help me in the slightest bit, but please send me a text next time you plan on being out this late." I nodded and gave her a hug while apologizing many times.

"I figured you two went on a date of some sort, so feel free to tell us about it," Zihao said while motioning towards the couch.

"Are the other three up?" I asked.

"Maybe Zeyu, but I don't think the younger two are," Hanyu informed me. I nodded and sat next to Zihao.

We told the three of them about our little date and soon went to bed after that.

XinLong came into my room for a little bit because he had something to tell me.

"Sitting on my bed isn't going to help much," I said and looked up from where I was laying down.

"I love you," he whispered before pressing a soft kiss to my lips. I sat in shock before I processed what happened. 

I pushed him away slightly so I could respond to what he told me. "I love you too." We sat there smiling at eachother before he stood up.

"It's late and you need sleep." He the tucked me in and gave me one more kiss before leaving my room.

I laid still while thinking about how amazing my night had been. I went to bed, knwoing that things can only ge better from here. Sure, my first boyfriend would be leaving in a month, but I had a feeling we would stick through it. 

How sweet. I'M DONEEE!!!!! YEAHHHHHH!!!!!! All I have to do is edit the fun little epilogue, which, spoiler alert, will be them leaving. Anyways, bye!! Love you all!! <3

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