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Unfortunately, King Hurricane wasn't the only one. it was about fighting The Kid Prince and Queen Hurricane. even The Kid Princess, but the parents divorced a long time ago. back in the olden days, they had married even before color, they never died, but Had gotten sicknesses like Diabetes 1 at the age of 10. but they had a hidden power, which I cannot tell you since I've been chit chattering for half a story now, so they explored inside the kingdom and found a picture of a Knight, so Stick touched it, it lit up and spawn the ACTUAL knight, and another mission had to be done, so I, I Fired the Cannons and nothing worked, because he was bulletproof, but not Lazerproof, so The Ultimate Lazer wasn't charged, so we charged it, and used the Small laser, And it burnt his suit but not his whole body, so Padma and Stick fired the Ultimate Laser Cannon. then he got down and the semifinal fight wasn't such a big deal.

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