Chapter 2: Meeting My Roommate.

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Bumblebee's POV

When Bulkhead and I entered, the place was bustling with mechs who were trying to find their dorms and getting settled in. We had stepped into a large foyer that seemed to be set up as an entertainment area, probably a way for bots to relax on the weekends.

But currently, there was a table set up in the middle of the room where two tall mechs sat directing other mechs to their proper destination.

We approached them just as the red and blue mech finished speaking with another bot. "Bulkhead, I see you've brought with you a new student." The mech addressed us with a gentle smile.

"Yeah, this is Bumblebee. I uh, ran into him on my way back, and he was totally lost so I helped him out." The green mech glanced at me with a small smile.

The red and blue mech extended a servo to me and I took it. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Bumblebee. I am Optimus Prime, and I look forward to attending this school with you." Optimus seemed to be kind and friendly, and had an air of leadership about him.

"Thanks! I look forward to it too." I smiled back at him. 'Well, at least everyone I've met so far is nice. I just hope my roommate is the same.' And just as I thought that, the light blue mech sitting next to Optimus turned his attention to us.

"Bulkhead. What on Cybertron took you so long?" Bulkhead rubbed the back of his helm a bit nervously under the light blue mech's gaze.

"Sorry... I got caught up helping-" He was cut off by the mech. "Yes, I heard. But that is no excuse. At least tell me you didn't get so distracted helping this new attendant that you forgot what I sent you out for in the first place?"

The light blue mech struck me as the serious type. But he also seemed like the type of bot who could get things done. "N-No! I, uh, actually have it right... here."

Bulkhead searched through his University hoodie and pulled out a file and handed it to the serious mech. "Well, I suppose better late than never." He looked through it and stared scribbling down on the data pads that were on the table.

"Forgive Ultra Magnus. He is very, keen on keeping everything in order." Optimus gave Ultra Magnus an amused smile.

I was guessing that they must be close friends, but I could be wrong, I did just meet them. But I've got a whole year to ahead of me to find out!

"Anyway, we'd better get you settled in. That way I got some time before the assembly to show you around." Optimus nodded in agreement with Bulkhead.

"That would be wise, though there will be plenty of time for that tomorrow if you find you do not have enough today." I cocked my helm in confusion, unsure what Optimus was meaning.

Bulkhead noticed my confused expression. "There's going be a welcoming fair tomorrow, but you'll hear about that at the assembly." He explained to me, and I nodded my head in understanding.

Ultra Magnus looked up at me from whatever it was he was doing. "Acceptance letter." He demanded of me, and I quickly gave it to him.

He looked it over, scribbled something else down, then handed it back to me. "Your room number is 26-10, you will find it on the 3rd floor." He returned to what he was doing previously.

Optimus looked as though he was pondering what the serious mech had said, it was almost like he was doing a double take. "May I see your letter?" I was a bit confused, but I allowed him to look at it.

After reading it he gave it back with a smile. "Well Bumblebee, it appears that we will be seeing a lot of each other." Bulkhead laughed heartily and smacked me on the back with outstanding strength.

I stumbled forward a bit and rubbed my back. "So you're the luckily guy who gets to be Optimus' new roommate!" I looked from Bulkhead to Optimus, and found myself relived.

'Phew, so I actually did get a cool roommate... Thank Primus.' I thought to myself and stood up straight again. Optimus stood from his seat.

"Bulkhead, if you wouldn't mind assisting Ultra Magnus in my absence, I would like to show Bumblebee to our room myself." Bulkhead grinned and took his place.

"Sure thing." The red and blue mech smiled thankfully at Bulkhead and grabbed the bag of mine from him.

We started walking down the hall and up the stairs past excitable mechs who were rushing around doing whatever it was they needed to do.

"Is it always this crazy here? Or is it just like this when a new school year starts?" I asked, curiosity getting the better of me. Though, I felt as though it was a stupid question, but it'd be nice to know if it was ahead of time.

Optimus chuckled. "Usually it's only on days like today, but there are some days that are hectic." His smile faded as he seemed to ponder something.

"Is something wrong?" I couldn't help but ask. I watched him carefully, waiting for a reply.

"...Forgive me for asking, but... I can't help but wonder, about your voice."

Oh. I suppose I should have expected someone to ask eventually.

I don't like to talk about it much, but I have a broken voice. My voice box was, taking from me... But, I don't like to think about it just as much as I don't like talking about it out loud. Besides, today is suppose to be one of the greatest days of my life, and I refuse to let anything ruin it!

I promised myself, that no matter what, I'm going to smile. For her, for my carrier...

"I apologize, I shouldn't have asked a personal question like that. You do not have to tell me if do not wish to." The tall red and blue mech stared at me with apologetic optics.

I guess my face must have darkened at the memory of my voice, but I didn't mean to make him feel bad. It's not like he meant any harm by it, either.

"No, no, it's alright. No need to feel bad. I just, it's not a very good memory, and I rather not talk about it." I smiled, hoping to reassure him.

He nodded his helm in understanding. "I understand. It is a sensitive subject, and I do not wish to pry. Ah, we are here."

We arrived at a door with engraved numbers in it that read: 26-10. Optimus slid his keycard through the panel next to the door and a small light on the said panel turned from red to green.

The door slid open to reveal a spacious room with two berths on each side. The left side had to be Optimus', because the right side of the room was empty and dark, with nothing but the berth against the wall.

Optimus entered while I stood in the doorway, appreciating how neat and organized his side of the room was. 'I don't know if he's a perfectionist or if he is just a tidy guy, but at least he isn't messy like most mechs...'

The red and blue mech had set my duffle bag on the empty berth, and motioned me to come in. "Are you not going to enter?" His words brought me out of my trance.

I shook my helm to clear it and stepped into the room, setting the rest of my bags down. "Sorry. Just got a little distracted." Optimus gave me a smile that could probably melt the sparks of every femme at this school.

But it wasn't just that, he had a contagious smile, one that makes you want to smile. "That is alright. Although, I should get back to helping Ultra Magnus, it would not be wise to keep him waiting."

I nodded my helm, understanding. Ultra Magnus had stuck me has the kinda mech who could be impatient, and would probably scold you if you were even a second late or something.

"I will leave you here to get settled, then." And with that he exited the room. I looked out the window that was in between both sides of our room. I stared out at the quad and smiled to myself before plopping down on my new bed.

This year was, hopefully, going to be awesome!

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