// :3 Ish wanted to make chu something special, something with us in it, but also the characters that we really loved as well, something that really kinda just says that we created this rp world together, that it's something we can always go to, a place where we can escape to together and just unleash any idea that comes to mind, crazy, R rated or not. It just the rp where anything can happen and anything is possible. It's special to me, and always will me. We had amazing memories, great characters, events that still magically come to mind sometimes. Key highlight moments too. But I just wanted to do something with us in the sky and our characters in the clouds, because as much as it may be a hell, to me it's a heaven because I get to be with you in it, I get to spend time with you. And that's heaven. Getting the chance to fall in love with characters too was something that made it heaven too. Even though the characters don't know us for real, it's like we control their world, watching them from the sky above and controlling their every move <3
Ish hope chu like it, I wanted to make it look better than this, but Blake and Blackheart just came out really bright and idk why ;-;
And our characters were supposed to be underneath us, so like Johnny, Malevolence, Blackheart under you. And Blake, Dallas and Daren under me. But Johnny's head wouldn't fit.. >o<