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Why do we give up? Why is it that when then is an obstacle we stop? It is either that we try once or we don't try at all.

Is it because society thinks that we can't do it or is it because we think we can't do it or is it because it's impossible.

I remember that when we were kids we thought we could do anything, that we could achieve all our dreams, that everthing was possible.

So what changed? Where did that kid go? Where did that kid go, who learned how to walk after falling many times? Where that kid go, who learned how to run after falling flat many times on his face just to feel the exhiliration of that moment? Where did that kid go, who learned how to ride a bicycle without the training wheels even when he fell many times in the process? Where did that kid go, who wanted to achieve so many things? Where is that kid?

The answer is simple, Believe. That kid always believed. He believed that he could walk, he believed that he could run, he believed that he could ride his bicycle without the training wheels, it was because he believed in himself but we stopped believing in ourselves.

We stopped believing in our abilities because we started underestimating them. We stopped believing in our knowledge because we thought we weren't wise enough. We stopped believing in our skills because we thought that there is no use for them. We just stopped believing.

When a wall comes we don't go over it because we believe we won't be able to but going over it is easy. Going over that huge wall has always been easy. I mean we have always done it as kids. It has always been and always will be easy going over the wall. All we have to is to start believing in oursleves once again just like how we did it when we were kids.  

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2018 ⏰

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