The Prince and the Snake Charmer -25-

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Devora sat in front of Marenas grave until the moon rose high into the sky, casting a glow on the earth, a soft light that trickled through the leaves of the trees. The night was not a silent one though, for the laugher of the circus folk echoed from the campsite and crickets hummed melodies. The forest was alive and vibrant, and well, Marena was not.

Angry with herself for thinking that sort of thought, Devora growled, picked a stone and chucked it hard at a tree, hitting the trunk with a dull whack.

"Watch yourself there," a voice leapt from the darkness and Silas stepped out from behind the tree, shadows cloaking his face. Devora scrambled up quickly from the ground not bothering to wipe her blotchy face or try to tame her horrible tangle of hair, at this point she didn't care.

For awhile they both stood there, staring at one another, much like they did in their first encounter, but it seemed that this time there were no questions hanging unanswered in the air. They both knew exactly what the other was thinking and they weren't sure what to do with it. Devora turned then, breaking eye contact, towards Marenas grave, a sight that had become familiar to her in the last few hours. She felt so ruined, so broken, she didn't know what to do with herself. She guessed it was something that came with the lost of a parent, a piece of something missing in her heart.

A flush of heat swooped down onto her, warming her bones, shivering but not from the cold. He held her in his arms and she pressed her face into his shirt, listening to the blood pumping through his heart. He did not need to say any words to her, his touch was enough. After a while, she reached up and curled her fingers into Silas's hair, letting the strands fall through her fingers. Next, she traced his jaw, his lips, his nose and when a tear fell from his own eyes, she held his head to her own heart, as he shook. Devora didn't know exactly why, but she guessed it was something to do with his brother. An image flashed through her mind of Prince Nicholas, life filtering from his eyes on the cold ground. Then another came of the silver dagger piercing Marenas chest. Then another of her lifeless body behind the murdering soldier with his awful yellow teeth. Then came--

She tore her mind away from those thoughts and a sob escaped from her lips. Silas lifted his head and kissed her lightly on the mouth, a reassuring warmth exploding from his lips. He pulled away after a few moments and held her face in his palms.

"You need to let it go," Silas whispered softly to her, "You can't keep moping around for her, Devora,"

"You have to let Lilas go too," Devora said.

Silas dropped his hands from her face and picked up Devoras hand, entwining their fingers together. Then, after a few moments, he looked back up at Devora.

"You know, when I realized Nicholas was dead. That I killed him. I don't know...," his focus shifted to something over Devoras head and then found her gaze once more, "I guess I expected to feel relieved you know? That I finally gave Nicholas what was coming to him, but...I just felt terrible. I feel like now, instead of weight being lifted off my shoulders, I just feel like I'm carrying something heavier, like Nicholas is still with me,"

Devora nodded for the feeling was similar to her own, though she felt as if the weight of Marenas death still traveled with her. She wanted to let it go, but she was afraid if she did, she would lose all the good things along with it.

"I guess we have to let them go, but not the good things, and keep moving," Devora whispered.

"Keep moving," Silas repeated and closed his eyes. His face twisted up in pain for a moment, then it softened, brow unfurling. When he opened his eyes, they still looked sad, but somewhat lighter still. He had let it go, let Nicholas go and though it didn't work all at once, it seemed his shoulders sat just a tiny bit higher.


They fell asleep together, in the forest, holding each other close, bodies perfectly fitted together. As Devora sunk into the syrupy peacefulness of sleep, she dreamed of Marena.

Devora was standing in the forest now, but the day blazed brightly through the leaves, almost too bright to be real. She stood at the foot of Marenas grave, holding a few violets in her hands. She placed them on the grave and whispered a silent prayer for her, asking the man in the sky to keep her safe and happy. When she finished, Devora opened her eyes to a blinding light, so bright it almost made her eyes hurt. Then, as her eyes adjusted, she saw Marena lifting from her grave without disturbing the earth. She looked healthy and bright, raven hair cascading in lovely curls down her back. She was not real though, for her body was see-through, she was a spirit. She lifted into the air, gave Devora a brilliant smile and shot into the sky, leaving Devora rooted to the earth but filled with light.

When Devora woke, face pressed against Silas's chest, she felt as if the weight on her shoulders had been lifted, for she had let Marena go. Hiding a quick smile, she wrapped her arms around Silas's torso and held herself against him and fell under the spell of sleep once more.


"Mother," Silas sighed, arm still tight around Devoras waist. They were in the throne room once again, though Prince Nicholas was not there and the King, was still locked tight in his quarters. The Queen sat regal on the Kings throne, decked in pure white lace and satin. She looked like an angel, with her white-blond hair entwined with silver that slung over her shoulder and golden crown situated on her head like a holy halo. She was very beautiful, Devora noted, and quickly felt a bit scruffy with her tangled hair and a bandage still wrapped around her shoulder. The Queen, now since she had finally stood up to her horrid husband, now she had finally handed herself a rightful balance of power, Devora knew she would make a brilliant Queen and gone were her days of cowering in a corner from the rage of her King.

"I need someone to rule this country after I die, Silas. And you're the only child I have left,"

Silas shifted uncomfortably next to Devora, his hand clenching her tightly. He was uncomfortable.

"I don't think I'll be able to do such a thing Mother," Silas said calmly.

"You should have thought of that before you struck down Nicholas. You know that I cannot bear anymore children," the Queen looked pointedly at him, then softened when she saw Silas's expression, "I'm sorry, Silone. That was uncalled for," she closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"I just don't know what to do, I need an heir to rule this country for further generations,"

"I know. I'm your only choice," Silas says, "But I will only do this if Devora is with me,"

The Prince and the Snake Charmer (currently editing)Where stories live. Discover now