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Beast boy POV
I really want to tell raven I love her, I can't hold it anymore. So I get out of my room and go to ravens door,I knocked on her door and raven opens it "what"she asked . I was blushing so much my face was on fire "uhh I have something to confess"I said raven seemed curious so she kept on listening ,I wanted to say "I love you" but I didn't say that I said "I'm the one who was giving you presents" . She then didn't seem surprised she just walked away, I felt so stupid I'm not brave enough to tell her I love her. So I get depressed again, that nothing I do is going to get me to win raven. So I go back to my room and write in my journal ," today was the most horrifying and depressing day ever. I wanted to tell raven how much I love her ,I love her eyes ,her hair I like hanging out with her. But I would like to hang out with her as my girlfriend,I would love to be her boyfriend ahhhh". I wrote I put my journal down,and try to think of my future with raven.

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