Beast boys feelings

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Beast boy POV
"Yes she got my present I hope she doesn't know it's me" I've been going insane every night. I been thinking of raven for quite a while ,ive always loved her since we all joined the team.
"Welcome everyone to the teen titans ,now I'm your leader robin, so I would like to do an activity I would like to know everyone so everyone can talk to each other ,while I get snacks"robin said as robin got the snacks cyborg and beast boy started talking ,so did star fire and raven. As beast boy and cyborg are talking beast boy kept staring at raven. Beast boy sighed at her beautiful face ,her eyes, everything, he was in love. "oh you like raven" cyborg said ,beast boy snapped out of it and lied  "what no I don't" "you know you are a terrible lier"cyborg said  beast boy gave up and confessed.  "ok I do" cyborg then pushed beast boy close to raven, which beast boy blushed really red " hey star you wanna talk" cyborg asked " yes friend cyborg" cyborg and star fire walked away from beast boy and raven, and it was just the two. beast boy was really red he wanted to tell her how pretty she was ,but was too nervous and couldn't say a word. As she was about to say something robin came out with the snacks, so the team then sat down and told everyone stuff about them selfs. While this is going on beast boy was staring at raven ,and when raven sees beast boy staring at her ,he then turns away and looks back when she wasn't looking
End of flash back
I still feel the same way to raven, it's sad because I still haven't told her,cause I'm so nervous ,that she would send me to another dimension. So I came up with this to go step by step ,and when I get close I'll tell her it was me ,just not right now.

Sorry if it's short but I hope you like it, Sparkleshinegreen is doing chapter 3.

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