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Beast boys POV
I'm so stupid,why did I think this would work?I should have know raven wouldn't like a green,stupid,annoying and weird creature. I'm still made at my self thinking about what I read . It was so heart breaking she loves cyborg,and hates me I then here a knock at my door,I then get up and open my door there was no one there except for a present. I feel weird, so I grab the box and put it in my room . I was curious to see what it was so I open it and it's a green sweater with black skull,I loved it. It was sick I was then put it on and it was so soft and comfortable,but I then spot a note I pick it up and start reading it. " To warm your bones. Love your lover your friend." It was a really sweet note but ,I'm really curious of who sent this to me. I actually have a good idea who .......................raven.
Hope you like it the next one is Sparkleshinegreen

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