The Freak

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         Evan was walking down the hall to the computer lab with his only friend, Jared. Jared doesn't even call them friends. Just family friends so he could get car insurance. Evan was just about to walk in when Jared stopped him. "Hey Connor! Love the hairstyle, very school shooter chic." Jared said with a laugh. Evan tensed up, knowing who Connor is. He was the one everyone talked about, the 'weirdo' or 'freak' they described them as. Connor looked over at Jared, staring right into his soul. "It was just a joke" Jared laughed nervously. "Oh no, it was funny. Can't you see I'm laughing?" Connor said with the most monotone voice. "Am I not laughing hard enough for you?"
"You're such a freak," Jared laughed and walked into the computer lab, leaving Evan all alone. Connor had turned to Evan, staring at him with a bit of curiosity, making Evan laugh nervously.
"What the fuck are you laughing at?" Connor asked with a dark tone.
"O-oh no I-I wasn't laughing at you-" Evan replied quickly. He mentally cursed himself for doing that.
"Stop fucking laughing! You think I'm a freak? I'm not a freak! You're the fucking freak!" Evan was suddenly shoved to the floor and Connor stormed past. Evan looked at him still on the ground, shocked on what just happened. He quickly got up and went in the computer lab where Jared was waiting. "So what happened?" Jared asked with a smirk on his face.
"W-well I kindalaughednervouslybuthethoughtIwaslaughingathimbutIwasn'tandhepushedme-"
Evan said quickly, getting out his laptop to print an essay for Dr. Sherman, his therapist.
"Not surprised. That guy will get pissed if you looked at him in a weird way. Welp, Ima go. See ya Hansen." Jared walked out of the computer lab, Evan mumbling a goodbye. Evan was just about to leave when he froze, seeing Connor in front of him. He shoved his paper in his pocket.
"Uh, I'm sorry for pushing you back there..I was still mad at Kleinman." Connor told Evan. Evan had been avoiding eye contact, but when he apologized he looked up and into his eyes, noticing that they were blue with some brown in one of them. "O-oh i-it's alright," he responded quietly. 
  "So what happened to your arm?" Connor asked, pointing to Evans white cast.
"O-oh I fell out of a t-tree actually" Evan responded, looking down at it.
"Nobody's signed it." Connor mentioned.
"Y-Yeah I know.." Evan said.
"Well I will." Connor more if stated than offered.
"O-oh you don't have to-" Evan replied quickly.
"Do you have a sharpie?" Connor asked.
Evan nodded and took out a sharpie from his bag, giving it to Connor. Connor took his arm a little roughly, making Evan wince. Connor didn't really know what to do so he just looked up at him apologetically. He looked back down and signed Evans cast with big bold letters spelling 'CONNOR'
"Oh, g-great..thanks." Evan said, looking down at his cast.
"Well now we can say we both have friends." Connor responded. Evan looked up at him, making up his mind. "Do you..maybe wanna go over my place after school? I-i mean it's fine if you don't i understand-" Evan said quickly.
"I'd like that Hansen." Connor said, smiling a bit.
"O-okay then. See you after school" Evan said rather excitedly.
"Right." And with that, Connor walked off.
Evan stood there for a second processing what had just happened. He had made a friend. Not a family friend like Jared, but a true friend. The rest of the day he was happier than ever before, ignoring Jared's questions like 'did you schedule a date' or 'did you suck his dick' (LMAO THATS ALL I HAD IN MIND) and went on with his day, excited for after school.

(This sucks a lot I'm sorry

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