Jazz Band (not like all jazz but like jazz band jazz-)

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Evan, Jared, and Connor were walking into school, Connor on the opposite side of Jared leaving Evan in the middle seeing how they don't really get along. "You know we have to do Jazz Band this year. We're picking out an instrument today." Connor reminded them. Zoe had begged them to do it with her, and they agreed, Jared arguing a bit beforehand.
Jared groaned. "Why did I agree to that bullshit?"
"You think I wanted to do this? Zoe's making me try the fucking saxophone. More like sexaphone to me-" Connor responded before Evan cut him off.
"It'll be fun. W-we should just try it out." Connor and Jared sighed and agreed.
They got to the band room, Zoe waiting for them. She had a smile on her face and dragged them over to try out the instruments. Jared first picked out the trumpet while Connor had the saxophone and Evan had the flute. Jared stared right at Connor while putting the mouthpiece in his mouth. Connor started laughing. "Dude are you deep throating the trumpet?"
"Maybe I am." Jared smirked and blasted the trumpet in Evan's ear. "oW-" Evan slapped Jared while he was laughing. Everyone settled down and tried out the instrument they got. Evan and Connor ended up playing their instruments perfectly while Jared was having trouble. "How the fuck do you even- wHaT-" He was actually trying, and eventually got the hang of it. Zoe taught them how to play the notes, giving them charts for their instruments. It showed which note there was and how to play it. "How the hell do you manage this Zoe?" Connor asked. Zoe just smirked and waved her hands. "Magic~" A loud crash was heard and Jared came into view. "uh whoops" 
"Jared wHaT tHe FuCk dId YoU dO" Zoe asked him. He responded, "I only dropped a crash cymbal I swear-" Jared then stopped, staring at something. Connor looked to where he was looking, and they both stared at each other before sprinting to the drumset. "nO bitch I saw it first!" Jared yelled at Connor. He was on the floor seeing how Connor shoved him out of the seat. "Yeah but I got here first." Connor responded. "NO THE FUCK YOU DID NOT! YOU SHOVED ME OUT OF THE SEAT!" They kept arguing while Evan was laughing and Zoe was shaking her head with a smile on her face. The bell rang, which stopped the bickering between Jared and Connor, only for them to get up and grab their bags. "Oh great going Jared. Now we cant even play the drumset before class." Connor grumbled. "You were the one who shoved me! If you didn't do that we would've been able to!" Jared responded angrily. 
"Those two will be the death of me." Zoe said to Evan, while Connor and Jared continued to bicker. Evan chuckled. "Yep."

They got out and into the hallways. Evan had pushed Jared and Connor away from each other and walked in the middle of them. "We have rehearsal after class!" Zoe reminded them before going her seperate way. They said their goodbye's and went to their own classes. 

So uh,
This just went into my mind at a random moment so Heere.

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