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Hi! This is just a book I came up with while listening to a certain female artist who sings about break ups a lot. *cough* I know I'm ashamed too.

Anyway here are my tips on how to deal with a break up if, like me, you are socially awkward.

1. Hug something, it could be a pillow or a much loved cuddly penguin. Just hug something because arms are made for hugging, not fighting.

2. Eat. Just eat. Who cares about weight? Chocolate heals. (Cookies are also good.)

3. Go on twitter or tumblr or some other website where you can look at pictures of cats or laugh at stupid people. It makes you feel better, trust me.

4. Go and watch The Photo Booth Challenge by Danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil. I laughed so hard I cried when I watched it, it's amazing.

5. DON'T GO OUTSIDE AND TALK TO PEOPLE! The outside world is a horrible place, they have polar bears. Polar bears are bad.

6. Listen to music. Don't listen to Taylor Swift. I'm sorry but it makes it worse, listen to rock music.

7. Don't talk to your best friend because if she's anything like mine then she's just going to remind you that all your favourite band members and YouTubers are going to die one day. You know who you are.

8. Play the ukulele, it's so fun and sounds happy. It's like a guitar for idiots, which is probably why I've got one.

9. Watch My Little Pony and laugh at it, then get annoyed by all the unrealistic plot lines. Then realise you actually like it and become hooked on the show. *Nervously laughs*

10. Dye your hair. Why not? I just dip dyed my hair pink and it looks so cool and I love it. I might just dip dye it pink forever.

Okay that is the first 10 tips done. What do you think? I might post the next chapter soon.

-Kez :)

How To Deal With Break Ups: For Socially Awkward PeopleWhere stories live. Discover now