I interrupt this program... to say Hi! :)

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I'm not really sure if anyone is reading and/or following this story because, honestly, I don't know how to check!  However, if anyone is and you've come to this little pause in the drama, I just want to take a moment to say hi and Thank You!  This is my first published fic (besides the one I posted when I was 12... I've made the executive decision that that one does not count, and trust me we are all better for it!) so I am super duper green to writing and I am pretty much just posting as I go.

I went back and re-read the first couple of chapters and noticed some (a lot) of flaws and inconsistencies, so I fixed those.  If you are a fan of the story so far, it may be helpful to go back and re-read them just to kind of hit the refresh button before we move forward.

Also, I wasn't sure how else to put this disclaimer up since I jumped the gun and went on a posting rant my first day on here, but I just wanted to point out a few things about the story.  

First, I've been writing this story in my head for the last 4 years or so.  I am invested in these characters, however I never took the time to literally write the story.  A lot of life happened in the past four years and a few days ago I felt like it was time to come back to this.  The reason I am posting as the story is created instead of posting it once it's done being written (and polished lol) is because I feel like if I don't just go ahead and do it, I will never get around to it, and it'll just stay in my brain for who knows how many more years.

Next... as you may or may not have read in my bio, I have been a Hanson fan for 21 years.  However, I took a really really long break between This Time Around and Shout It Out, soooo I basically missed all the "good" stuff with the guys like the forming 3CG and how that came about,  the weddings, and a lot of the births of the babies.  I say all that to say that there will be inconsistencies in the story.  When I first tried to write up an outline for the story I did a lot of researching of dates and events and it was so hard for me to make everything that happened in their lives fit with the story I was trying to tell.  So I pulled the plug on all of that and decided that while I will use their major life events in the story, the dates will most likely not be the same.  I am sorry,  I know that sometimes bothers fans, so I hope that you can forgive me and that it doesn't ruin this story's experience for you.

Lastly, as I said before I am super green to this writing thing.  And sharing is so far out of my comfort level.  However, I would truly appreciate any feedback good, bad or otherwise.  Obviously I'd love it if everyone had nothing but positive loving comments to make, but I know that is not realistic so please feel free to let me know if you think you can help me improve in any way - grammar, editing, the tone, an idea, something I should maybe take out or add ... anything.  I welcome it all.  Oh, and don't worry... I've learned how to hit that "save" button instead of the "publish" button so hopefully moving forward, I will do better!

Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope everyone (if anyone is reading this) out there enjoys the story! 

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