Part 2: Worse Than Death

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“Humans in the past feared death. When you killed someone, you sentences yourself to death. This was popular when the idea of heaven and hell was popular. The thing is, these people might have not gone to hell and it's not that good of a punishment if the person stays in heaven committing a hideous crime. Who knows, there might not even be a heaven or hell, so why count on something that might not be even true. You can't ask a dead guy what's it like, because it’s dead.”

“When this realization occurred of, death stopped being feared in a way. And while alive, why not make a living hell. Torture a criminal for life. Make them live in suffering. But, barbaric treatment was illegal, and nothing really punished humans until we discovered aliens. Eventually, they learned the only way to truly get to humans was to recreate hell. “

“P.O.W. camps are the most undesirable place to be. 7% are interrogated and later tortured to death. 2% are kept as slaves until their death from hard labor. The rest aren’t even questioned or used, just killed brutally. This is recorded and sent to places where it's broadcasted for humans to see make them afraid of war. People fear capture and many deaths in the Military are by suicide. 2% make it out alive. Less than 1% that have been interrogated make it out.”

Except from A Hell for Me by Serdityy Vichen

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