Slaughter of the Hypotenuse

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 I was in the greenhouse dome for a while, until I was transferred to the capital. Now, I'm in a new dome, a carved out cave. The layout of the area around the dome is mountainous. One peak is larger and wider than any other. Inside, it's carved out and deep underground is the capital. A brilliant place to put a box, but expensive.

Outside of the capital is the capital city. It's in a dome, which is supposed to trick the invading army to attack it, because it looks expensive. In front of this mountain is a valley that's sort of rugged, but can fit a large army. Unity is stationed in this valley. Behind the mountain is the only way to get to the capital and it's mostly just mountains with no place to put a large army. But, small Unity forces are stationed on certain mountains that add up to a huge force, just spread out.

Vendetta is dealing with the condensed force in the valley. Service is taking out or moving the other Unity forces to the valley so we can take them all out in a huge battle in the valley. From what I know, the plan for that battle is a large Service and Vendetta force will close off the entrance to the valley and push Unity to the middle. We are hoping for a retreat, but Unity is savage.

I'm technically part of the Service army, so I'm going to the small skirmishes on mountains with a shotgun, knife, and mountain jumper. I do also have climbing equipment like shoe picks and gloves with spikes in them. It's very cold here. I don't mind the cold, but I want to complain about something.

I put on new armor, load up my shotgun, and head out with a random squad I was assigned to. I have no idea who they are or what they are. It seems like I'm the only human and they look like they don't want me to be here. I don't know why. They fire at a random mountain. Nobody told me what mountain, so I shoot my mountain jumper at the general area. Snow is falling again. On Mist, they're crystals, so tiny clicking sounds and rumbling are all over my face as I zoom towards a mountain.

I peer down and see figures fly around under me from mountain to mountain. I made it to the mountain I think my squad is at. I find my squad creep up the mountain. I shoot up my mountain climber, it hooks to the edge of the mountain, and I slowly climb up. It's silent. I look down and spot figures standing on the slope of this mountain. I don't make a sound and hope they don't look up. The sound of wind blows through my helmet. I feel a tingle down my spine as I ascend.

The top isn't very wide, so I skitter on the edge of the mountain. The snow crunches under every step I make. I follow my squad. The cloud line is slightly above us and I spot the figures move up above the clouds like angelic beings walking in heaven. It's breathtaking. The sky is white. A red sun with stars are randomly spread out in the sky and it isn't even night. A huge crystal is hovering above us known as Mist's Star.

I turn back and see a huge white mountain. I run into a rock and trip. The others look back angrily as I apologize. The top of this mountain is now wide enough for us to walk on, so we get on top of the mountain and silently walk down the mountain. The wind is calm here. We walk slow, which is good because I can enjoy this sight.

We start walking back down into the clouds. They bring up their weapons. I prepare myself emotionally and physically. The moment I'm under the clouds, we go prone. I see it: the god forsaken triangle people from the first battle I was in. I find my knife and ready it, because frankly I want to stab something again. My squad is preparing to fire at the triangle aliens. I put away my knife. I would die if I charge with the knife. I bring out my shotgun and wait for the "leader" of my squad to fire.

Sure enough, the leader (without much communication) starts to fire. We all shoot at different triangles. We have silence shotguns, so it only sounds like a bunch of clicks and the loud bodies to fall on the ground. The white ground is now purple. I decide to grab a keepsake since I hate these triangle guys and maybe I can tell my future generations about the time I killed a bunch of triangle aliens and "saved the universe". I look around and find a triangle on one of their waists. I don't know what the deal is with this species and triangles. I pick it up and the squad waits for me impatiently. I put it in my bag and we head down this mountain. 

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