Chapter 8

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We walked upstairs and sat at the kitchen table. I started eating while everyone started talking to me.

MR. T: "So Crystal why don't you tell us about yourself."

My eyes went wide and I gulped. I stopped eating and put everything down. I looked at everyone about to tell them everything.

PHOEBE: "Wait, Max did you do something to Crystal? What happened to you? Did he dye your hair?"

ME: "Phoebe Shut up! Guys I have something to confess."

Everyone stopped eating.

MRS. T: "What is it, Sweetie?"

ME: " parents aren't in Africa. I'm a runaway orphan."

PHOEBE: "Crystal, why didn't you tell me?"

MAX: "Her name is Karina. Not Crystal."

PHOEBE: "So got anything else to say, Karina?"

ME: "I have super powers."

Mr. Thunderman did a super spit-tank.

BILLY: "Cool! Another Superhero!"

ME: "Actually, Super villian in training. Like Max!"

PHOEBE: "Oh great another Max! But this one is my bff!"

NORA: "What powers do you got?"

ME: "Well my dear Nora, I have heat vision..."

I looked over at max and zapped him.

MAX: "OW!!! So not cool babe!"

I smirked.

ME: "I also have ice breath..."

I looked at Max again and blew on him. He froze instantly into a Max-sycle.

ME: "And heat breath..."

I breathed on Max and he thawed out.

MAX: "Babe! This is so not cool!"

ME: "I can also move things with my mind..."

I pointed to Max and levitated him onto the ceiling. I put him down on the couch.

ME: "And I have super strength."

I lifted the couch and Max off the ground and above my head.

ME: "And last but not least, I can fly..."

I flew over to Max and kissed him while still in the air.

The Crazy Mixed-Up Life of Crystal Carson (If that is her real name...)Where stories live. Discover now