Living as a family

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Ian, baby?" Anthony called out through the apartment he shared with his partners. He had a bank statement in his hand and his brow was furrowed.

"Yeah?" Ian called back, from his place on the couch. He was stuffing crackers into his mouth between rounds of some video game or other, curled up in the corner while Joveb sat at the other end of the sofa, replying to emails.

"Have you been buying things with our card without asking me?" Anthony asked, placing a hand on his hip as he came to a stop in front of the sofa, squarely placing himself between Ian and the television.

"No..." Thinking on it, Ian realised he probably had, and instantly he felt a little bad for lying. Maybe he'd bought a few games here and there - it wasn't like they'd miss sixty dollars a week, right? They spent more than that on him anyway, he'd figured a little more wouldn't hurt.

Joven stood up from his place on the sofa, placing his laptop aside andd closing it. He stood next to Anthony, reading the credit card statement over his shoulder. "Don't lie to us, Ian," he warned, his tone low and reserved only for scoldings.

Slowly, Ian nodded and Anthony reached out to grasp at his wrist, tugging him up off the sofa. Joven's hand raised up and clutched gently at Joshua's face, and it was like they'd rehearsed it, really, though Ian knew they hadn't. His heart thudded in his chest when Anthony's grip tightened on his wrist.

"Do we not buy you enough things already, Ian? Are you that desperate that you can't use your big boy words and ask us for things instead of just taking?" Anthony shook his head and when Ian glanced away in shame he could almost feel Joven's smirk burning a hole into his very being. Despite his shame at being disciplined, he felt himself growing hard inside his jeans.

"I-" Ian started, but Ian's hand moved from gripping at his face to covering his mouth.

"No, bad boys don't get to speak until they're given permission to," Joven warned again. He was often the voice of reason, so Ian slumped his shoulders in defeat and relaxed the arm that Anthony was still holding tightly onto. "Why did you think you could get away with this? If you'd have asked, you know we'd have bought you the things you want, we love to spoil you... But only when you're a good boy. You may speak."

Joveb removed his hand from Ian's mouth slowly and Ian had to resist the temptation to give Joven's fingers a sharp nip as he pulled them away, feeling the heat rise in his face and groin.

"I'm sorry," was all Ian could think to say. He'd been caught out, and now he'd have to face the consequences, whatever punishment joven and Anthony thought fit for him.

"No more video games today or this weekend, and you'll make dinner later for us." Anthony gave a brief nod at Joven's words. "Then we'll see where we stand and if we think you need more punishment for being so naughty."

Ian whined and then let out a groan. He didn't protest past that, though, didn't open his mouth and sass back like he really wanted to, but only because he knew that the punishment would get a lot worse for him the more he protested.

Later that night, Ian found himself peeling vegetables and chopping them with a distasteful expression on his face. If he looked to his right, through the open plan space they lived in, he could see Joven and Anthony drinking wine and watching Netflix together - something he was usually invited to join in on. He hated being punished, but loved it too, in a strange way which made all the blood rush to his groin and his mouth run dry.

With a grunt, he finished chopping vegetables and moved to stir the pasta on the stove, wondering what else those two were planning on doing. They'd been talking in hushed tones for the past few minutes, giving Ian small glances over their shoulders, and usually that meant they were up to something.

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