Thunder cast one last glance at Polar before he ran away from her and the angry healer. Thunder hadn't gone far out of his camp, so he snuck back in unnoticed by any other fox. Soon he found himself safely back in the Nursery and thinking, Wow! Polar now there's a hot foxy! I wonder if there is any way that we could meet up again. I have never met any other fox like her and she seems like the type that likes to cause trouble. It is just too bad that we aren't in the same Range. That was when Thunders' mother came into the den to check and make sure that he was fed.
"Thunder, it is time that you learned how to eat fresh prey," Thunder's mother Coral Reef told him as she sat down in his nest beside him. Coral Reef then proceeded in taking Thunder outside for his meal. Thunder looked at the prey pile for a few minutes before finally choosing a mouse to eat. He then dragged him prey over to a small dark corner in the camp where he could eat in peace. As he ate he noticed that no other fox cared about him eating all alone. Thunder didn't think twice about making his decision of eating him outside of the camp-- he had to see her again. As he started walking he followed his nose to the border scent lines, but as he did so he heard voices coming from in the distance. So he ran into the bush that was closest to him and hid there.
A Fox's Journey Super Edition: Polar Blaze and Thunder Storm's Turmoil
FantasiThey fall in love...when they're not supposed to... or are they.... Polar Blaze and Thunder Storm meet as young pups and hit it off right away. What will happen if these two future healer's do something to change the Healing code forever? How badly...