Gossiping Weenie Bitch

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Finally they have arrived at Hogsmeade which meant that Korin and Jisung broke away from the group so they could go to Three Broomsticks while the other stayed together.

"We're going to the tea shop. Bye" Then Renjun and Jeno left to go on their mini date to the teashop.

"Let's go to Weasleys Wizard Wheezes!" Chenle yelled loudly at the only friends left.
Seeing no point in protesting the others agreed and they made their way to the shop. Unsurprisingly Skylar and Donghyuck walked together with Chenle practically running and Mark trying to catch up with him. That left Jaemin and Chloë behind, they planned to be at the back so they could study the actions of their friends.
"Seems like they're pretty comfortable" Chloë said as she purposely bumped into Jaemin.

"What are you going to buy?" Skylar asked Hyuck once they saw the store.
"Hmm I'm not sure. Maybe we should get Chloe some love potion if she's so sure she isn't going to get a date."
Hyuck then felt someone hit his shoulder and the two turned to see that it was Chloe.
"Who knows though, maybe you will get a date."
They finally arrived and saw that Mark was waiting for them because he already lost Chenle.
"Is there any calm down potion?"
"We could put him to sleep."
"Not exactly what I meant"

Once they had been in there for a few minutes it was noticed that Skylar and Hyuck has not once split, which was quite suspicious.
"Mark, come here."
"What Jaemin?"
"Who does Hyuck like?"
"We need to know."
Mark then made a knowing face, Jaemin and Chloe shake their heads with confusion. Mark then makes the face, looks over at Skylar and Hyuck then back at them.
"But, you didn't hear it from me"
The pair high five at their good work and gift themselves by looking for sweets around the shop.
"Too bad you are Hufflepuff, Jaem. If you were a Gryffindor we could celebrate by eating in the common room once everyone went to bed."
Not once before has he wanted to switched houses as badly as right then.
"We can celebrate on the train while we come up with a plan to set them up."
Chloe smiles, excited that she'll be helping her friends as well as spending lots of time with Jaemin.
"Come on let's go crash Korin and Jisung's date."

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