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Deep within the forest six mobians were looking for a special flower. One was a small fox who was excited to find what they were looking for. Another was a tall black hedgehog who didn't care about the adventure and had been dragged along. A bat followed behind the ebony hedgehog making sure he won't run away. A red echidna was walking beside the tiny fox looking around as he flashed his fashling on multiple objects. In the back following everyone was a blue hedgehog with a pink hedgehog grappling on his right arm.

The thing they were looking for has been forgotten for centuries and almost no one knows about it.The powers of this item is unknown of. I can make even the best person change someone's life into something awful. 

It can cause someone to become awfully sick. The victim will slowly start to get closer and closer to death. The pain from the disease is almost unbearable. The person will be stuck in bed for days until they are healed or dies.

But the object doesn't always have a negative impact. I will sometimes give mercy at a price. It can send unknown power into the person it chooses. But it rarely chooses a person and they usually get the negative treatment.

"How long is this going to take?" Sonic asked Tails as they all walked through the dark forest.

"Not to much longer... We're almost there! I think," Tails stated and Sonic's eyes shot up and everyone stared at him.

"Great little foxy here got us lost!" Shadow yelled and he started to growl.

"You mean you don't know where we are?!?" Sonic screamed his voice full of worry and regret.

"I'm sorry Sonic! This Tigerflow flower is extremely rare! Even I don't know where it is and this is my island," Knuckles said protecting Tails from the angry black hedgehog.

That was true... The six of them were deep within an unexplored forest on Angel Island. Not even Knuckles knew about the small flower living on his own island that he had lived on for years. Knuckles wanted the danger of this flower off his island as soon as possible.

"What does it look like? I can't find it if I don't know what I'm looking for," Rouge said after Shadow had calmed down.

"The flower is orange and black. I grows on vines that dangle off low tree branches and it glows in the dark... I don't think it will be that hard to spot because of how brightly it glows," Amy said finally letting go of Sonic.

Tails had spoke to Amy and Knuckles about the flower before hand. Telling them both every detail before sending them off to get the others. Not explaining what they were looking for to the other people walking with them.

"Alright... Let's get to it then! I really want to go home!" Sonic cheered and everyone nodded.

After hours of looking Sonic was growing more and more impatient. He was trying not to let it show. He loved his brother and he knew this meant a lot to him. So all he did as look and keep quiet. No one noticed Sonic's strange behavior except for the black hedgehog. But he didn't say anything.

Looking around Sonic saw something in the distance. He turned off his flashlight and saw an orange looking glow. Not noticing that Tails and the others kept walking in a different direction Sonic kept walking. I was like he was drawn to this mysterious power.

He pushed past the fallen branches and other things scattered across the forest floor. Stepping over vines and watching animals crawl around the forest floor. Nothing else seemed to faze him as he kept his eyes on the strange light before him.

Meanwhile the group didn't even know Sonic went off on his own. They were walking in a total different direction! The group then heard rustling in the bushes that made them all scream.

Amy jumped back and ran around in a panic. Her eyes were searching for her blue hero. But with no luck he couldn't find him. Amy looked around at the other and saw they they noticed his disappearance.

"Where is the Faker!" Shadow yelled voice full of concern as he looked around.

"I thought he was following behind you!" Tails yelled at him.

"Sonic could get really hurt! There is a lot of dangerous things here! I don't even know what's out there" Knuckles commented trying to hold Tails back before he punched Shadow.

"My Sonikku is missing and I didn't notice!" Amy yelled and everyone rolled there eyes and didn't pay attention to her.

"We can retrace our steps and see if we can find him," Rouge suggested and they all followed her back to where they came from.

After awhile of walking the team soon started to give up on the blue hedgehog. Everyone except for Tails. He loved his brother and would do anything for him. He kept looking with the others tears falling from his eyes. He didn't want to loose the best thing in his life.

Knuckles wrapped his arm around the crying fox. The echidna looked down and wiped a tear falling from Tails' sky blue eyes. They both came to a complete stop and Knuckles bent down on one knee to get on Tails' level.

"We're going to find him alright? He's going to be ok and I'll make sure of that. But for right now you need to be strong... Can you do that?" Knuckles asked Tails and he nodded.

"Thanks Knuckles... I needed that. Usually Sonic helps me when I'm sad but he's not here at the moment. Thanks for helping me out... Your like another brother to me," Tails said as he wiped the last remaining tears from his eyes.

"Hey you two! Hurry up! We don't want to lose anyone else on this trip!" Shadow called and they both giggled and followed their friends.

Meanwhile Sonic didn't even notice the others weren't following him. He wasn't paying attention to anything as he walk towards the strange unknown object. He finally pushed past the last set of vines and entered a small opening in the forest.

There were vines hanging off the trees and fireflies were flying around them. There was a small lake and Sonic watched as the waves reflected the moonlight in a magical way. He looked around and his eyes soon fell upon a orange and black flower.

"That's the Tigerflow!" Sonic whispered to himself out loud and started to step forward towards the flower.

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