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I met them when I was working in door to door sales, it was pissing down with rain and I was knocking on doors trying to sell the latest charity to the locals. I never could understand why I had taken this job it was hideous in every sense of the word, if people wanted to sign up to help a charity they would do it on their own.

The amount of doors slamming in my face before I even got a word out was proof enough that my job was a waste of time, but I was getting paid albeit pathetically and it got me out of the house. On this particular night it was eight pm and I was still trawling the streets, we work on commission so unless I sell anything I only make basic wage which is not enough to live on.

So head bent against the wind and rain I plodded on and knocked loudly on the next door in the street. I looked up as the door opened and I could feel the heat pouring out and warming my face. The man standing in the door way was stocky, tall and gorgeous. He had salt and pepper hair and he must not have shaved in a while as his stubble was plentiful on his face and he suited it well.

He stood staring at me, waiting for me to begin my routine but my power of speech seemed to be lost at that moment and I just stood mouth hanging open. After a few minutes a smirk appeared on his face and that jarred me out of my trance, blushing I pulled out my paperwork ready to begin.

When I looked back up to start another man had appeared, he was shorter and thinner but equally as good looking. He had lovely mocha coloured skin and surprising bright blue eyes, he looked at me in confusion and then back to the first man and noticed his smirk, at that point I was beginning to feel a bit ridiculous.

There I stood at the door of two well dressed, gorgeous men and I am standing looking like a drowned rat with my hair all over my face and my clothes a mess. They began to talk amongst themselves and I could barely hear what they were saying so I cleared my throat wanting to begin and get this humiliation over with.

They both looked at me then back at each other again, the second man nodded his head almost imperceptibly and then the first began to talk to me. They asked if I wanted to come in out of the rain and give my talk and I thanked them and followed them inside.

They introduced themselves to me, the first man shaking my hand and introducing himself as Ayden and the second man following and telling me his name was Levi. I told them my name was Mason Levitt and had tried to show them my identification but they told me it wasn’t necessary.

Levi walked away and Ayden showed me to their living room and told me to take a seat next to him. I complied and soon Levi came back with some beers, I shook my head at first I was after all supposed to be working. Eventually I was coaxed into it and I shrugged, I had knocked on enough doors for one evening this could be my last for the night so why not.

As we sat and talked the charity speech was forgotten about. I was looking at them and laughing at something Ayden had said when I realised I had been staring, Levi caught me and smirked again like he knew exactly what was going through my head.

That wasn’t the last night I saw the couple, they invited me back a few days later and as the days turned into weeks I began to grow extremely fond of them both. I couldn’t deny that I had grown more attached to Ayden, he exuded manliness and it was an extreme turn on. On more than one occasion I had walked in on him working out and my mouth instantly had dried out at the sight of him.

Sweating, perfectly sized muscles rippling, moans and grunts emanating from him as he used the exercise to maintain his gorgeous body. I would lean against the doorframe watching him from behind, his short quiff flattening and his facial hair glistening with the moisture.

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