Pride (Vanity).

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Life was so good with Levi and I was hoping one day he would ask me to marry him. I worked hard to make myself look good and I was a kind person so I knew he loved me it was just a case of waiting patiently. When Mason knocked on our door that night I was instantly attracted to him and I knew he was attracted to me too.

The way his gorgeous green eyes raked my toned chest and devoured my groin area made me shiver in pleasure and the smirk that crossed my face was a result. When Levi turned up at the door I could see the question in his eyes about my reaction to Mason but after a few well-chosen words I had him agreeing to let Mason into our lives.

The first time he made it into our bed was divine. He really was a heavenly lover and he hit all of the right buttons in me, eventually he even brought Levi around. We became happy having him around and so in the end he moved into our home and we lived as a threesome.

No one was more important than the other and we were happy like that, well that’s what those two thought but in my mind they were both mine. They both wanted me and I loved it that way, the attention from them both and the way they subconsciously fought one another to please me more turned me on so badly.

I worked hard to keep myself gorgeous, I worked out every day with cardio and weights to make sure I was perfectly toned. I always got a spray tan twice a month and my teeth polished. My hair was perfectly styled and it was salt and pepper in colour which suited me and attracted a lot of attention from admirers.

I always dressed myself in the best clothes and shoes and I always wore the best aftershave and used only the best toiletries. Levi often wondered why but I told him on several occasions you have to look after yourself and look good otherwise what’s the point of life?

I wouldn’t cheat on Levi I prefer to tell him when I am interested in some other guy, the attention that surrounds me every day is hard to ignore and so more often than not I like to have threesomes. Extra attention from both guys is such a thrill for me but Mason was the first guy to be a long term thing and actually move in with us.

As time went on their attention began to grow dull and I wanted to spice things up a bit so I would play them off against each other. Nothing bad, I would just favour one over the other for few days and that would bring the other begging for more Ayden.

I could tell that Mason loved me deeply and I loved him but it wasn’t ever going to be more than what it was already. I loved Levi too and it was either both or nothing when it came to Mason, when it came to Levi however I may be forced to reconsider after all he puts up with me and allows my wandering where I don’t think Mason would. So if it came to it and Levi asked Mason would have to go.

As the weeks advanced Mason was changing, his jealousy towards Levi was profound and it amused me slightly. It just made him try harder with me and I wasn’t going to complain about that and he didn’t seem to mind the one on one time.

The night I died was like any other night. I had been training, working out hard and I was hot and sweaty and I knew that was the perfect combination to get Mason and Levi’s attention. Levi had agreed to make dinner for us again so while he was in the kitchen I lazed about the living room with Mason flirting outrageously.

When I had him right where I wanted I left to get a drink telling him I would be right back but when I got into the kitchen Levi’s jaw dropped when he saw me. I instantly saw an opportunity here. I would play with Levi for a while, Mason would come in and see us then he would get jealous and fight for my attention with Levi.

It was a win win situation, for me anyway. So when Levi turned me around and lubed me up with cooking oil and slid straight into me I cried out in pleasure. I smiled when I noticed my reflection, so I could not only feel but see him ramming into me crying out my name.

It didn’t take long before Mason came into the kitchen. I turned to see him and his face wasn’t what I had been expecting, I had expected jealousy but not pure anguish. It was too late not to finish so I pushed back a few more times until both Levi and I came.

When we were finished we cleaned up and that’s when Mason’s onslaught began and surprisingly I could tell he was directing it towards me. I couldn’t understand that because I hadn’t done anything wrong, he was screaming at me asking me why I didn’t just ask him for sex.

I apologised trying to calm him down, once he had defused he would clearly see sense and realise exactly why I didn’t ask him. Mason didn’t stop though he kept screaming and crying and Levi was angry that I had apologised to him.

All I wanted was some pleasure from both of them I couldn’t understand why everything was kicking off like that. The next thing I know he is stalking towards me and all I could think was please don’t hit my face but it was much worse.

For once all thoughts of how I looked left me as he grabbed the carving knife and plunged it into my chest. I collapsed to the floor and Mason kept a hold on the knife so the wound was open and leaking blood fast.

I looked to Mason and I could see the regret in his face and I instantly forgave him, I mean after all he only wanted my attention and why wouldn’t he. I was finding it hard to focus but when Levi stood up, grabbed a knife and walked towards Mason all I could hope to myself was that we would be together again in the Afterlife.


Coming up tomorrow the Guardians verdict :0)

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