Chapter 2

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"I need you home tomorrow night," Adams said, making me take my eyes off my laptop to look at him.

We were both on our bed, working on our own work.

"Why?" I asked, focusing back on my computer as I pushed my reading glasses up.

"My parents are having a business party tomorrow night. You need to be there as my... wife," He said, his tone sounding almost disgusted when he said, wife.

I nodded my head.

"Do I have to dress formally?" I asked. "Yeah, uh, I actually bought you a dress since you clearly don't have any," he said. I looked at him a little taken back. "you didn't need to get me anything I am capable of going shopping for myself," I told him, raising my voice higher.

"Really, half of the clothes you have is from Walmart,"

"Maybe I like the clothes from there,"

"You're the wife of a billionaire, and you go to Walmart for shopping," he crossed his arm, moving his laptop off of him and faced me.

"I told you before I didn't want or need your money,"

It was now my turn to move my laptop off of me and face him crossing my arms.

"Well then maybe start acting like you're my wife,"

My mouth fell open, and I was staring at him with anger boiling inside me, and without really thinking, I grabbed my pillow and threw it at him.

"What the fuck?"

"You deserved it,"

He looked at me with a scowl before he too grabbed a pillow throwing it at me making me throw one back, and before we knew it, we were in a battle of a pillow fight.

Feathers inside the pillows went everywhere, and we continue to hit eachother. It felt like an eternity before we stopped falling on our backs on the bed, both exhausted.

We laid there for a few minutes, both still angry, but I felt amazing since I got the chance to hit him.

I heard him reach over, taking out a Chanel bag.

"Here, I had this dress made just for you," he said, dropping the bag on my stomach since I was still laying down. "It also matches the suit I am wearing tomorrow,"

I got up this time, taking the bag handing it back to him.

"Thanks but no thanks I think I will stick with my Walmart dresses,"

"El, I am begging you please for once, listen to me," pushing the dress once again against me. I looked at him, taking the dress out of the bag.

My mouth fell open. I couldn't get my eyes off the dress. It was beautiful. No beautiful wasn't the word the dress was out of the world gorgeous.

The dress was baby blue colour with a pretty floral pattern at the bottom and low cut back with lace sleeves.

"Are you sure you don't want it?" he asked with his arms crossed with a devilish smirk.

"Uh... um, you know what you're right it is a big event, and I don't think any of the dress in my closet will be good, so I'll just borrow this dress for the night, and then you can take it," I said scratching the back of my neck. I put the dress back in the bag, dropping it on the floor and getting under the blanket, turning off the light on my side.

I heard Adam laugh before he too got under the blanket shutting his light off.

"Goodnight," I whispered.

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