C h a p t e r 2

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Kendall's pov (17)

Years have passed, and I was completely right about the twins. We are best friends, and go everywhere together. Vacation, parties, hangouts, and school (obvi). Over the years they got even cuter. Which I thought was impossible but they always seem to surprise me.
Today is 10/15 it's a Friday. It is also my birthday.
Since today is a "special day" The clothes I chose looked a little fancy for once. The top was from Ethan which he got me last year and a cute Jean skirt that Grayson got me.  My checkered vans where at the door and soon they where on my feet. some dramatic makeup, and I was done   I headed for the stairs. It is now a habit to jump at the second to last stair so I did it. I heard a horn honk outside and I grabbed a piece of bacon. I closed my door and ran to the car. Ethan sat in the back for once, but only cause it was my birthday. I got in the car and it was silent.  Then the sound of my giggling interrupted the silence. They both looked at me like I was insane. I took a deep breath and calmed down.
"What's wrong with y'all? Cat got your tongue?"
"No we just have a surprise for you" Ethan chipped in.
"That doesn't mean you guys can't talk to me."
"True, but we are both very excited." Grayson said
The rest of the way was silent. Until we passed Krispy Kreme.
"Grayson. Pull. In. We are going."
"Fine, fine" he pulled in got me my usual. A regular glazed with strawberry icing and sprinkles. God I love doughnuts.
We pulled out and started to head towards the school.
As we pulled out of the Krispy Kreme, I noticed the aux cord open for once. I snatched it and started playing my music which Grayson liked but Ethan did not.
"Turn that shit off" Ethan said laughing.
"Deal with it" I said with a kind of grin.
He dealt with it, and we listened to it the whole way to school.
We came around the last corner and the school was in sight.
The school has tables outside for the people who get there early and we are always early so we sat down with our normal group. Tons of people told me happy birthday, which made me happy, and it was just overall great. The twins where still quiet. I was very suspicious.
The first bell sounded which means we have 45 minutes until school actually starts. We had 30 till we had to be in homeroom though.
I went to the twins locker as per usual and we just talked normally, but they where still really quiet. It was getting a little creepy.
Then, when they where done at there locker we went to mine. I turned the corner and saw balloons.
I kept going, and I then saw my locker completely covered with chocolate, my favorite flowers, balloons, cards and a small banner that read "happy birthday to our best-friend" 
I started to cry.
I ran to the twins and they both gave me a big hug. I sat there for 10 minutes crying in there arms. I was happier than ever.
"Open your cards!" Grayson said pulling away
I ran back and pulled it off carefully trying not to rip anything.
I opened it and read the front. I started crying even more. I slowly opened it and a one hundred dollar bill fell out. I didn't know what it was at first, so I picked it up and stared Grayson down.
"Of course. Anything for the birthday girl."  He looked at me and smiled.
"I can't take this" I said
"You can and you will." He snapped.
I rolled my eyes sarcastically, and went to open Ethan's card.
I picked it up carefully just like grays.
I opened it and tears began to fall again. There was a long note and I read every single bit of it. The sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me.
"Ethan! That's so sweet."
"It was nothing" he said scratching the back of his neck.
I gave them both another hug and examined everything on my locker. I took it all of and placed it carefully into my locker.
They both hugged me again and I left for homeroom.

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