C h a p t e r 5

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{these are the photos}
My heart.
All the love I had was coming out.
And it was for my best friend.
I am beyond happy.
I sat up when the doctor left.
"I heard that" I said with the biggest smile on my face.
"Well shit." He sat down at the end of the bed.
"Well what does this mean?" He continued. Well. How am I supposed to answer that? I mean I like him too I just don't know how to admit it.
"I'm on a lot of drugs right Now, so let them wear off and I will answer that."
I lay back down thinking about it, but before I could think of a for sure answer I fell asleep.
==Two hours later==
The drugs are gone. What the hell am I going to answer him with?
I think I'm going to do it.
{you know that thing that happens when your up but like your eyes aren't open and you are just thinking? Yah that's what's happening here}
I started blinking.
"Ethan? Are you there"
No reply.
I turned over quickly and realized he wasn't there.
I looked at the desk next to the hospital bed and I saw a note, a big bag, and a Walgreens bag.
I opened the bag and found my favorite candy, soda, and movies I could watch.
After everything was bag I. The bag I looked at the note
Going to get lunch be back soon. I brought some clothes and some things your mom told me to bring in the bag. There is also a few special surprises, just to make your day.

Sweetest person ever award FOR SURE goes to him.
I opened the bag to find clothes, a pillow, blanket, tampons, chargers, laptop, and my Polaroid Camera.
Why in the hell would I need my Polaroid camera?
I saw a little bag and I opened it up.
Inside there was my hairbrush, hair ties, toothbrush and other toiletries I would need.
I needed it.
I got up to freshen up. I stood up and my head was pounding, but at least I could stand again.
I began walking for the first time in 24 hours and I'm not going to lie I DID NOT do very well.
I stumbled a few times but I made it safe and sound.
I pulled the things out of my bag.
I put my long brown curly hair into a messy bun and changed my clothes.
I changed into some really cute nike leggings and a sweatshirt from a softball tournament a few weeks ago.
Shit. What about softball
I called my mom
Phone call:
Me: hey mom can you tell coaches I'm out for a bit?
Her: yeah. Ethan will be back In A few minutes and I will be there later.
Me: ok see you soon. Love you.
Her : love you too sweet. Bye.
Me: bye
End call
I went back to the counter and went through the rest of the bag.
Tampons toothbrush toothpaste and whatever is at the bottom that I will get to in a second.
I finish freshening up and I notice something at the bottom of my bag.
I grab them out and look at them.
Nothing on the front so I flipped them over. And this is what I saw.

Polaroids of him. Making stupid faces. I could feel a smile creep upon my face.

God. I love him.
I can't deny it anymore.
I knew what I was going to do.
As soon as he comes back I'm going to tell him.
But how?
Maybe I should just go for it. Just go straight for the kill, and kiss him.
I will figure it out.

==About and hour later==
I am back In bed.
The door knob moves and I flinch. I'm scared. Truly truly scared.
Ethan walks back in.
My hands start to sweat.
She is nervous. I can tell. She is biting her lip a little bit, rubbing her hands together, and she keeps tucking hair behind he ears.
She only does this when she is nervous
"What is the matter? Are you ok?"
"Yah" her voice cracked.
"Kendal what is the matter??" I said concerned.
"I-i need to tell you something. She was now stuttering.
"I like you too"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2018 ⏰

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