Blush ☽

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  Your eyes slowly opened, sensitive to the light that was greeting them. you groaned not wanting to get up from the comfy bed but you needed to since sejin would be stopping by to go to the company and you were sticky from your late night..... festivities.

 Groaning again in disdain you finally managed to stand walking to one of your luggage still in the living room you unzipped the bag and took out the things you needed for your shower and other hygiene. slowly walking into the bathroom you set your stuff down and prepared the shower, getting in you let the semi-warm water run over your body you felt nasty. after about ten minutes you got out and finished the rest of your hygiene deciding to fix you something for lunch since the time was about two in the afternoon.  deciding on a bag onion-rings and some chicken tenders, you were surprised that the fridge was packed with mostly American food not that you didnt like Korean its just that you were happy you had American food. hearing a knock on the door you looked up with your cheeks stuffed, you walked to the door checking the peephole. seeing it was sejin you opened the door and gave a stuffed cheeky smile and sejin just couldnt help but smile at your adorable stuffed cheeks you looked like a little dumpling. to be honest, sejin found an attraction towards you but more in a fatherly way, you just reminded him of a chubby shy kid. finally swallowing the food you greeted sejin with a timid smile kind of embarrassed that you opened the door with a full mouth. you offered if he wanted to come inside but he had shaken his head and said that it was time to meet the boys and boy were you nervous. you didnt do well-meeting others you got extremely shy and nervous, you would either stutter and stumble over words or just forget how to speak in general.  nodding your head you grabbed the keys that went to the door that hung on a cute keychain and went to grab your phone and headphones. coming back you stepped out the apartment closed and locked the door and turned to sejin. you both headed to a black truck and the ride began.


 the vehicle stopped and you just about pissed yourself you were so nervous. sejin helped you out the car and as you guys walked in security and bodyguards surrounded you and sejin as you head into the building, fans held back with a little gatekeeping them a bay, they held posters and gifts hoping to see one of the members, screaming as they saw manager sejin, some held confused look as they see you, others were angry.  keeping your head down from all the camera flashing going on you had finally made it into the building, your heart hammering against your chest, with so much going on you fail to notice seven boys staring at you. you tug at the skirt and sailor moon merch shirt you were wearing the skirt is a tad bit short and the boys noticed especially a certain sleepy head. finally looking up you notice them and start to blush though they wouldn't notice at how far away they were. shuffling behind sejin you latched onto his leather jacket and he couldnt help but chuckle at your cuteness. you hadn't known sejin long but you felt comfortable by him. he reminded you of your papa.  sejin had greeted the boys and they greeted back. three of the boys giggling at how cute you were. the other three smiled and there was only one with a neutral face. they did there bts intro all stating their names. waving and giggling were taehyung, jimin and j-hope. jin, namjoon, and jungkook smiled and waved, kookie being a bit shy, and then there was yoongi. oh boy, you felt your face heat as you looked down, peeking back up at him you both made eye contact and you felt an immediate connection. you stumbled out your name, giving a little wave, trying to distract yourself you had begun to play with the pastel pink skirt you had on, it went very well with your skin color or so yoongi thought to himself. what came out his mouth completely surprised you and the others.

'' I like your skin''

 what he said threw you off guard you couldnt help but put your hands to your face. out of all words you didnt expect those. though you couldn't help but smile widely at the fact that he complimented your skin but it soon faltered as you realized he could be saying that as a joke or just trying to be nice.

thanking the handsome man you spoke back to all of them.

'' it's nice to meet you all''

 they nodded and sejin decided to tell you what your task would be for today.

that would be drawing the boys characters digitally, you would be animating them doing little series of things, like dancing or something. it was called BT21. all of the characters were simply just adorable and you couldnt wait to start, you just hoped you did well.

 the boys had all went to the dance studio while you talked to other staff members and sejin discussing what you'd be doing. they had begun to start a topic about you, saying how you seemed nice but just shy, j-hope mainly talked about how cute your fluffy hair looked, and all the boys agreed then joonie had decided to ask yoongi why he said what he had said earlier about your nice skin and yoongi simply told him it was pretty and that he didnt know why he said it and that he just did, like he couldnt control himself. truly yoongi found you beautiful with the precious curves of your body, and the way your skin glistened in the sunlight, the way your plump lips were chewed on with how nervous you were and like j-hope mentioning you amazing hair, you truly were a gift from heaven, and yoongi knew that it was in his contract that he wasn't allowed to date, but he didnt care he loved what he saw and he wanted it. you were that it, you were caught in his web and you would be his. he had already had a certain connection whether he knew it or not. whether he liked it or not.....

trust me... he loved it

thanks for reading, I would love your feedback, sorry for any errors, I barely proofread... until next time dumplings.

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