cure for Lycanthropyn potion

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You will need the following items for this spell:



Something To make a fire

Bucket full of water

Something from you when you Transform, exp, hair from pelt if you're a were-wolf.

Step1.Make sure you have all your ingredients and are in human form.

Step2. Start the fire and boil the water

Step3. Cut the lemon and squeeze lemon juice in the water then chant. "Sour the curse of mine and make it easy to clean!" One time.

Step4. Throw in the salt and chant. "May this cure me of my wretched curse!" One time.

Step5. Now throw in your hair, scale, or what ever you had from transforming into what ever were-creature you are.

Step6. Put your hands over the boiling pot and chant. "May this water clear me of any infections and side effects! No longer shall I be cursed! I am human, I am mortal I am not a were-(put creature name here) any more! So more this be."

Step7. Let the potion cool, but make sure it is still warm, then drink it. The hotter the potion is the better it can work, but don't scald your throat by drinking it when it is way to hot.

Side effects include, but are not limited to the following. They should go away in about four weeks at most.

Burning feeling.


Feels weaker.

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