ocean amulet enhancement

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You will need the following items for this spell:

water or ocean water


a bowl

a amulet or necklace

belief in the ocean gods

6 blue candles optional

Give a necklace the power of the sea

version 1 novice: fill the bowl with water

add salt

take a shower while it settles

meditate while holding the amulet near your chest and visualize the ocean spreading through your blood appnd shielding your heart

put it in the water and say

With the power of the sea, of poseidon and neptune as one I power this amulet and claim it as mine

version 2 experienced:

fill the bowl with rain or ocean water instead of regular

and swim in the ocean or run in the rain instead of take a shower

sit in a circle of the candles

otherwise do it the same as version 1

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