Summoning a Dog Potion

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You will need the following items for this spell:

5 Dog treats

Handful of Dog Kibble

A bucket

A towel

A photo of a dog breed

A candle


A cup of hot water



A little bit of any kind of meat

Blue or yellow food coloring

1. In the dirt with the marker, draw a large circle. Place the dog breed picture in front of you. Take the bucket and pour all of the hot water into it. Crush the treats with a rock.

2. Now, crush the kibble with a rock. Mix the crush treats and crushed kibble together.

3. Sprinkle the crushed mix into the hot water and stir. Take the real meat, pull it apart, and add it in. Also stir.

4. Drop in about 4 or 5 drops of food coloring and stir. This is to attract the dog because canines see the colors yellow and blue better than any other pigment.

5. Stir the potion one last time. Now the potion is done!

Second, Time for the ritual. Get ready!

Say the following 1x:

*Oh, dog (breed in picture here)

I summon to this spot.

No matter if you are brown,

Yellow or have dots.

This potion is an offering

(breed in picture here), drink it well

For it will help you on your journey

For it will help you dwell.

When this candle starts burning

And when it burns out

I devote it to you, (breed in picture here), without a doubt.

Oh, dog (breed in picture here)

I summon you hear my plea

I summon you to this spot, so mote it be!*

Now, take the candle in your hand and light it with the match. Set it down close to the breed picture. Now, say this phrase:

*Fellow (breed in picture here), come to this spot. Drink the potion. Be a dog.*

Third, to search fir your dog.

Every day, look in the spot for a dog or signs of one. I may take months for the dog to receive your plea, and even longer to get to your spot. This means you must have patience. Just be aware- about 1 out of 30 times when you receive your dog, it may not be the breed you asked for. Also, this spell (when it does work) works only once.

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