Awkward Morning and Night

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The light of morning had dawn upon you in your shared bedroom with Gure while on the cruise around Sanus. The previous night, you all had opening banquet on the cruise to which all people on board were welcomed to attend. That night, you had a large blush for basically the entire night, almost getting a nosebleed due to Yang. She was wearing a gorgeous yellow dress with her back exposed, like something she should wear from a wedding.

From there, you all had a lovely dinner and evening, returning to yours and Gure's room for a movie and game night once again. You slowly began to arise from being forced face down, placing your hands on your sides to get up. However, when you did, there was a grunt of pain being uttered. Your eyes widen as you look to your right. That's when the nosebleed hit and another blush formed.

Lying next to you was Yang, sleepwear on. You were beyond startled and scared. Thoughts rushed through your mind. What did we do? How did this happen? Are her teammates ok with this? What the heck happened? Oh God, oh God, hyperventilating.

Gure: (Whispering) Hey, (Y/N), you alright?

You turned past Yang and beyond towards Gure's bed. Your eyes widen as you saw Gure was lying on his bed with Blake lying on top of him. You began to pant, getting more and more worried as to what you could have done.

(Y/N): W-What? H-H-How?

Gure: Oh, yeah, you kinda blacked out last night.

Next to you, Yang yawned awake and turned next to you. She gave you a smile and leaned in and kissed you. After pulling away, she grabbed your arm and began to use your bicep as a pillow.

Yang: Hey, Sweetie. Sleep well?

(Y/N): W-W-W-What? D-Did I-

Yang: Do anything? No. Neither did Blake and Gure. (To Gure) Right?

Blake: (Gargling) No. Just let Gure and I sleep.

Yang: Got it, Blakey.

Gure wrapped his arms around Blake and pecked her cheek and rolled over with her still on his body. Yang turned her head back to you and began to cuddle up to your body.

(Y/N): S-So? W-What happened?

Yang: You want the long story or short?

(Y/N): L-Long.

Yang: Alright. So basically-


You and Gure had returned to your room following the banquet for all the passengers on board the ship. While there, you had gotten some tissues and held them up to your nose due to a possible nosebleed because of Yang's beauty. As you sitting on your bed, Gure began to rummage through the mini fridge within the room to find something you honestly didn't know.

Gure: Ha! Found it!

(Y/N): Found what?

Gure: This!

Gure pulled out a bottle of alcohol and showing it off to you.

(Y/N): R-Really?

Gure: Yeah! Hey, let's call up everyone and let's just have a party. Start this vacation off with a bang!

(Y/N): Gure. We're only 17!

Gure: Oh please, I had my first bottle at 14.

(Y/N): What?!

Gure: 9.

(Y/N): That's even more shocking!

Gure: 3?

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