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So after the entire debacle of the first day/night on the cruise, needless to say that both Silver and Weiss had scolded basically everyone that awoke in your room the morning of the second day. Ruby was paranoid and worried about her sister to which, the blonde openly stated that she was fine along with the rest of them. Silver even had the nerve to call your sister after stealing your scroll the night that you got wasted and told her everything.

Later that morning, your sister had called you and basically yelled in your face for about half an hour. After the stern scolding and yelling back at one another, you two left each other a little pissed at one another but happy that each of you were well. Due to the massive hangover you had received from being black out drunk the night before, you just stayed in your room while the others went around the ship to have fun.

Yang came back into your room with lunch from a buffet table on the ship meant for huntsmen and huntresses. While she was there, she told you about some random beach guys hitting on her, which really got you ticked. However, she assured you that the two of you would beat them down tomorrow once your hangover was over. You were really upset with yourself because of the hangover, blaming yourself for the guys hitting on Yang and what not.

However, Yang never blamed you and assured you over and over again that you couldn't be blamed rather she was since she pushed for the alcohol. From that little argument, Yang went back out to enjoy the sun mainly through your demand for her to do so. After that, Gure had returned to your room, got a shower and got dinner for the two of you. Blake and Yang came over that night as well and the four of you had a double date.

It was nothing to much, just the four of you hanging out. Blake left after around an hour after dinner and Yang left soon after. Before she did, she basically soothed you to sleep and knew the two of you were to return the next morning and have one fun vacation.

Finally, you awoke in your room and quickly got yourself a shower and got ready for the day. After putting on your swim shirt, Gure yawned and you turned around to see him wake up.

Gure: Hey, pal. Ready for today?

(Y/N): Y-Yeah. I just want the rest of this week to be a nice relaxing time here with Y-Yang. A-And hopefully, she doesn't do anything to e-e-embarrass us.

Gure: She will. You know how much she loves flirting with you out in public.

(Y/N): Y-Yeah. I guess. Well, I'm going to get breakfast and get out of h-h-here.

Gure: Alright pal. See ya soon.

You nodded and left the room and headed towards the dinning hall of the ship. Once there, you gathered up some of the numerous foods within the ship. There was toast, bagels, cereal, bacon, eggs, milk, orange juice, basically every breakfast item imaginable. After gathering your meal of the morning, you took a seat in the corner of the room and began to eat.

After eating for a couple of minutes, you felt someone tap your shoulder. You turned around and smiled once you saw Yang standing there with a tray of food in her hands.

Yang: Mind?

(Y/N): N-No.

Yang gave you a smile and moved herself over and sat down besides you.

Yang: So, ready for today?

(Y/N): Y-Yeah. I think so. I mean, it should be fun, right?

Yang: Totally. And with you here, things got ten-times more interesting. And hopefully those losers will leave me alone.

(Y/N): Yeah. Hopefully.

You gripped your fork at the idea of some muscle bound brutes flirting with Yang and worse, winning her over. You felt a soft hand being placed on yours as you turned your head to see Yang.

Yang Xiao Long X Male Reader: Building the ArmorWhere stories live. Discover now