chapter 13

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Hikaro POV
"Y/n i gotta go..."
I said sadly
"Oh ok you may go i can take care of myself " she said
"Oh ok bye " i said as i kissed her forehead and run off to find mizuki 'How dare she! Hurt my y/n!' I searched outside for mizuki  suddenly i heard my name was being called 'i heard that voice somewhere before' i look around and i saw my childhood friend, Kanani Tsuyuki , she has brown long hair and yellow gold eyes 'she has change alot since kindergarten', she run towards me "OMG HIKARO ITS BEEN SOOOOO LONG!!!! SINCE WE MET!!! look....urm...different" she said while blushing , i laughed
"You look different too, i remember you had short hair and chubby cheeks" i said and she blushed 'why is she blushing? Strange.....'
" parents have decided to enrolled me to your school" she say nervously
"Oh thats great!" I said
"Well kanani-chan i gotta go because i have something important to do" i said , she look at me with her puppy eyes begging me to stay for awhile 'tsk she thinks ill fall for that what an idiot , if y/n did that to me ill gladly stay by her side~~ hmm maybe ill kill mizuki some other time , im going to walk y/n home safely' "im sorry kanani i gotta go" i said "can i come with you please????" She said begging "no sorry" i said
And she began to whine like a baby which was annoying "Fine!" I said "YAY!!!" she said excitedly i walked to the infimary room while kanani was following me and i introduce her to y/n.

Kanani POV
'UGH ITS Y/N from my elementary school....ugh..WHY THE HELL would hikaro choose to be her friend!'

{Flash back Third POV}
"Hey freak! I don't think you belong here" The brown haired girl said
The h/c haired girl was at the corner and was surrounded by a group of girls "You should die anyways because your just taking up the school space, thats why my Boyfriend (hikaro) can't enter the same school as i am! Because of you freak!" She yelled at y/n
{End of flashback}
Kanani POV
'Well at least i can be hikaro side' i giggled

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