Chapter 3

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(A/N: I do not own K Project only my OC)

Tsuki POV;

I couldn't understand what was happening we've been evacuated from school and bused away. I finally found Mikoto, and Izumo. "What's going on Mikoto? What are those? Are they really swords?" Mikoto just held me while we watch the explosion in the distance. I couldn't believe what I saw, those were the swords I saw, whenever my brother would use the full force of his powers. A few weeks later and we've returned to normal. Wow the Sakura trees were beautiful and just starting to bloom. I looked out the window of my classroom I could see the cherry trees from the window. My brother sat behind me with his head down. Looking like he was asleep! I knew he wasn't after two months together I was starting to get to know his quirks like pretending to be asleep like a lazy cat! But I could sense he was just taking it all in. There was a new first year following us around I already seen him in my dreams, his name was Tatara Totsuka. It was driving my brother nuts with him talking about Mikoto being a King and he was going to be his vassal someday! I just wanted to laugh at him. My brother didn't know how to respond to him so he just followed us around. Mostly Mikoto, but he did talk to me a few times! The break bell rang, and I pulled out the bento boxes that Izumo taught me how to make for mine and Mikoto's lunch. "Hey Mikoto how about we go outside to eat today? I would love to see the Sakura trees up close! I've never seen anything as pretty as those trees!" With small groan he raised his head up looked at me and nodded he stood up slowly looking like a lazy lion. "Hey maybe Izumo and Tatara would join us I'll go ask." Mikoto just "tch" I waited a second for him to elaborate but instead he said, "Yeah whatever! Hurry up I'm hungry!" I walked off leaving Mikoto to wait or follow me, he chose to follow me, and before I could call out to Izumo, Mikoto did, "Hey Izumo, Suki wants us to eat outside today you wanna come?" I think I was in shock as that's the most I've heard him say in school. Mostly my big brother was quiet and didn't have to say much to get his point across. Izumo was more outgoing and me and him would goof around like the kids we were.
Sometimes driving Mikoto nuts with our goofy antics. "Let's go then!" Izumo replied. " Don't forget I want Tatara to come too!" We made our way to his classroom and I called out to him "Hey Tatara want to eat with us outside today?"
He just looked at me at first then jumped up from his seat said, "Yeah Tsuki! Umm if it's okay with the King and Izumo?" My brother groaned and Izumo laughed out loud. I just smiled and said, "Yup he's okay with you coming! Let's go before our break is over!" We sat under the beautiful trees it was a nice warm day today, hard to believe that a few days ago that crater was made. We ate our lunches in silence until Mikoto stole my last meatball, I cried out until he gave me a piece of his rolled omelette so it was a fair trade off. The days passed and our little routine began to be a normal occurrence. If the weather was nice we ate at our spot under the trees. If it was bad we'd find a place inside the school to eat together. Mikoto would steal my last meatball, and give me a piece of his rolled omelette. Izumo said he just did it to hear me protest his taking my food. I knew our peaceful days would be coming to end. I had so many people I wanted to protect besides my brother especially little Anna! Her aunt was our teacher. Anna was two almost three I knew Mikoto had to take her before he got ahold of her. Before the standardized strain testing. He hurts Anna so much she should just be loved not tortured!
One evening at home I had made meatloaf for Mikoto and the others. Once everyone had eaten I was washing up after dinner. When Mikoto came over to me and spoke, "I was wondering why you don't touch people unless you have those gloves on? Is something wrong with your sense of touch Suki?" I looked up at him knowing that I couldn't keep this a secret from my family anymore. Plus if the dreams were strong enough to share he'd know anyway! As it was common for dreamers to share with blood relatives. I take in a deep breath to relax myself and begin to speak, "I'm different Mikoto my mom's side of the family is special. We have a bloodline gift or gifts depending on how strong the wielder is. We're mostly psychic but other powers can come to light over time as we get older. My mom ran out on me because I kept dreaming about you. At first I only saw bits and pieces. I never saw you as a whole person. I think my mom was blocking me from seeing everything about you! Then I saw something that terrified me and I knew I had to stop it! It begins with the death of a friend of ours. We have time to change this! I want to change this! I need to change this! But first we have to protect Anna our teachers niece. She's going to end up in a monster's hands and he'll do horrible things to her! We can't let him Mikoto she's ours!" By the end of my little ranting plea I was crying the tears pouring down my face. Mikoto came over grabbed my wet ungloved hands. When all of a sudden I was pulled into one of my dreams, bringing my older brother along for the ride! He saw everything, the monster what he's going to do to little Anna! He saw all the way up to when he becomes the Red King showing the sword that we watched fall that day! I came back slowly my head pounding I looked up at Mikoto I was sitting on his lap on the floor we were leaning against the wall. I then asked, "Did you see?" Mikoto only looked at me and nodded not saying a word. I saw his eyes swirl with understanding, and love, then anger he then uttered three words! "I'll kill him!" At first I wasn't sure I heard him right, but then I realized he was talking about Mizuchi Kōshi. The man who hurts Anna. I tell Mikoto, "You can't! Not yet, he's apart of the Gold clan when you become the Red King you'll have a better chance of fighting him. You become King before he hurts Anna! You'll just have to make sure you clan Anna as soon as you can! Before he can ever touch her." Mikoto nodded still holding me. I liked this feeling, that I belong to someone, that someone else cares about me! My brother and me were going to be the best of friends! I carefully got up from floor and said "I have a headache from what just happened. So I'm guessing I can just touch you and show you what I've seen. Are you okay? I drove one of my foster dad's crazy he gave me a quick hug and I shared a dream with him of a plane crash he was supposed to die in! I was worrying about it doing the same to you." He tilted his head to the side and said, "I'm not going to fall like that I'm stronger, I can take it!" I nodded my understanding. I helped pull him off the floor, we moved to our bedrooms. I took something for my head and laid down. The upstairs of the bar was laid out like an apartment. Three bedrooms a kitchen, living room space and two bathrooms. My bedroom and the other sat next to the bathroom in the middle. Mikoto had the primary bedroom and with the bath attached. Izumo lived in the studio apartment behind the bar. Saying he didn't want to live with siblings as they tended to bicker with each other! I think it was more Mikoto saying, that me and Izumo would annoy him if we lived together! All in all we were pretty happy. I was happy that Mikoto accepted me, and my gifts of what I could do. That night I had my very first nightmare dream. Wildfires spread quickly taking the lives of the families in their wake. I felt his warm arms around me comforting me seeing what I saw. "It's ok Suki! I'm here cry it out, I'll be here."
Mikoto called Izumo and Tatara to our little apartment on Saturday. He decided to tell them what I could do, what I had shared with him. Tatara smiled and said "See didn't I say you'd be a King and I'll be your vassal!" In that beautifully innocent way Tatara had about him. Mikoto explained what he wanted to do. He wanted to keep me a secret from those outside of Homra. Only those that were closest to us would even know who I was exactly. That would be only the people closest to the four of us but we would keep quiet about my gifts. Plus it helped that our grandfather changed my placement on the family registry, as Mikoto explained about my gifts. I was still his granddaughter, but Mikoto cousin as, I was now the oldest son's daughter. Who also died in the accident that took my actual father's life. Because I wasn't a strain and didn't fall under the jurisdiction of the Gold Clan. So in a sense I was protected.

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