Chapter 6

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(A/N I do not own K Project only my OC) Lime warning mature scenarios not suitable for under 16

Tsuki's POV; Kyoto

It was beautiful here but I missed home! I had Anna and Tatara with me but I wanted to be with Mikoto. I understood why I couldn't be there! After what happened with the Blue King. Plus he was searching for me. So putting us somewhere rural was smart as we could easily spot someone from Scepter 4 quickly. And Kyoto has both a rural area and city area we could easily disappear into the city part if necessary. But I was obsessed with the vision I had seen! It was odd, as I never see anything regarding my future possibilities! But I saw children with a man I'm afraid of. Not in the sense that he would hurt me. But more from seeing him kill my brother in that vision I had all those years ago! That possible potential to kill another if it meant keeping the order he was so intent on keeping. That was what I couldn't get my head around. What would lead me to him! To allow him to touch me when no one else has!

I found Neko in cat form before I left, for the building with Tatara. I also knew when the Silver King's airship would land for refueling, and made sure she was there to get on the ship. I've given Neko the visions I had of his possible futures. They surprised him quite a bit! So much so he came to meet me! How he found me I didn't know. He was very kind and gentle I liked him instantly. I could feel he had suffered a great tragedy. But he spoke with such a gentle and firm voice it was hard to see him sad. He reminded me of Tatara in a lot of ways. He said I should go with him to see the Gold King, but I declined! He didn't need to know that the Gold Clan frightened me since Anna's would be abuser Mizuchi Kōshi was apart of the Gold Clan. He told me that he would find Kuroh Yatogami and take him on as his vassal. He was very curious as to how I was immune to the Kings! He even tried to make me apart of his clan the power swirled around us in a beautiful glow of sliver returning to him as it finished it's dance he asked ,
"Is this the same thing that happened with your brother's power?"
I nodded and he smiled,
" You are very special indeed!"
And took his leave.

So time moved away from us. I had been in Kyoto for a month and a half. With nothing happening we relaxed our guard. We actually planned on returning home soon as it seems that the Blue King had stopped looking for me. I was able to wander around by myself and even shop for Anna and Tatara! I was looking at the clothes for dolls when a pair of hands grabbed me. I knew these hands! I had seen them once before. I looked up at the Blue King as I was picked up into his arms. Munakata carried me bridal style to a car waiting nearby! And just like that I found myself kidnapped again! I knew my side of the car had it's child locks on so I couldn't get out. I still tried to open my door! I was scared but spoke anyways knowing somehow he wasn't going to hurt me not now or ever.
"Why did you take me again?"
He didn't speak for awhile then said,
"I was trying to figure out how your powers work! Are you a strain with precognition and touch allows you to share your visions?"
I shook my head
"I'm not a strain!"
Munakata just stared at me for a moment then said,
"We won't be staying at Scepter 4 headquarters instead we'll be staying at my private home."

Reisi Munakata's POV,

I was stunned to hear her say she wasn't a strain. She must really believe that. I then said,
"We won't be staying at Scepter 4 headquarters instead we'll be staying at my private home."
Whatever was going on with this girl I needed to understand how these powers of hers worked and why we were shown our future children. When neither one of us had met before that moment.
"Explain how they work Tsuki, how you have these gifts if your not a strain?"
I questioned waiting for her answers, she spoke softly,
"They are by blood, by birth from my mother's side."
Hmm interesting so if they were inherited. That means what she showed me was our future together. A future without the interference of the Slate's power. A possible outcome! I just have to gain this young woman trust! I pulled into my private home parking in my garage this was a secure home as the only ways in or out of my home was through the key I have. I spoke to her as we walked into my home I pulled her to the sofa pulling off her gloves,
"Show me!"

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