CHAPTER ONE: The Eyeliner and My Dad

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CHAPTER ONE: The Eyeliner and My Dad

August 2018

"Aww yeah!" Eddie whooped. School was starting next week, and my dad, who was the baseball and PE coach, decided to team up with some of the other coaches to throw a big party for all of the school athletes coming back to school. We already had conditioning camp, and early bird tryouts during the summer. Which sucked, like really bad. Especially for me.

Here's the summary for you bitches. We had four sports for the guys: American football, basketball, lacrosse and baseball. And for the ladies: volleyball, softball, cheerleading/dance and tennis. Track, cross-country and weight lifting were coed. Well, technically, they could all be coed if people tried hard enough to get in, but that's complicated. But again, people and society nowadays is pretty damn complicated, so hey, it all works out.

The party was held in the gymnasium of the high school. We go to Highland High School. We were the hyenas. And oh, also, I'm on the baseball team. Okay, this is something that needs to be clarified. Now, don't get me wrong, I like sports, I do. Kinda. Okay, I don't like sports. Okay, but I do it because it makes my dad happy. Okay, here comes the maybe weird part. Now, I don't like doing sports, but I do like to make my dad happy. And if he's happy, then I'm happy. So I do like sports, but at the same time, I don't. I just like making others happy. Kinda like how some people only wear heels or ties to make others happy, and that's why they say they like to wear heels or ties.

Back to the subject before I go on a long ass tangent; the sports. I mean, like, my entire family is like, super sporty. My brother for example, has been into sports his entire life. Baseball, basketball, soccer, american football, track and lacrosse. My sister has already played so many sports at her young age. She's played american football, softball, lacrosse, track, basketball and soccer. And ballet, if you count it as a sport.

And my father has too when he was younger. And well, he's coached both of my siblings when they were doing their sports. Coaching is his passion and he does it with finesse, affection and skill.

And then look at me, this bitch. I've only done track, basketball and baseball. Oh yeah, and hockey for a little bit. But we don't talk about that.

I mean, I guess I kinda enjoyed playing them. I like winning and it feels good to be a part of a team, to have others depend on you and that you can depend on others. Plus, if you're part of a school team, it's an instant ticket to popularity. I've reaped that a bountiful harvest.

But again, deep down, I really don't like doing these kinds of sports.

I'm just a pathetic people pleaser. I'll do almost anything to make others happy. I'll repeat it again, paraphrased; I'll do almost anything if it makes others happy. And well, my father us one of the most important people in my life, and well, I just want to make him happy and proud of me. Like with Isaiah and Salome. Anyways, he's the most important person in my life and I just wanna make him smile. But no, sports are not my true passion.

Okay, get out, get out, get out of my head. It's a party. And the entire team is here tonight.

"Okay guys, whatcha think if this year we signed each other's faces?" Eddie suggested. He was a super-mega-Mr. Universe-popular and easily the favorite of the jocks. He can do any sports, he was actually decent to people and gets his schoolwork done. He's the epitome of what it means to have all of your shit together. He's latino, about six fucking feet tall and has a small, but clean cut, preppy pompadour, with caramel skin and matching chocolate eyes.

"Um, no, my mom won't like that. At all." Yuli interrupted. He was an Indian kid, or maybe Sri Lankan, I think his real name was Yash or something, but we all call him Yuli. He's about 5'6', one of the shorter ones. Though he's a jock, he also fits well as a nerd. Yep, like fire and ice, he can show us the impossible. He's the brains of this group of motherfuckers. He's really into Marvel, Star Wars, DC, Welcome To NightVale, computers, and will probably take over Bill Gates or something like that someday. He's got a wavy comb-over over his dark skin. He's kinda skinny and lanky, but he's really fast. Like the flash kind of flash, and he looks like an Indian Barry Allen too. Whereas Eddie's the first baseman, Yuli's the third and can run quick to tag the opponents out.

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