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[some parts written in ITALICS are Flashbacks]

"You're still the one I'm after all this years..."

Rosé woke up to sound of her phone buzzing. It was already seven o'clock in the morning and the sun is already giving off too much heat and light around the city of Seoul. Feeling a little bit groggy, the girl tried to reach for something around her to block the sunlight from hitting her face but unfortunately, she found nothing. Instead, she felt a human figure sleeping beside her covered in a warm white blanket.

She opened her eyes, rubbing the sleep from it and looked around her surroundings. That was when she realized that she's not in her room: neither her room in their dorm nor her room in Australia, but in Jennie's room and on Jennie's bed.

She turned to her right and saw the older girl sleeping so peacefully with her messy hair on the pillow. Rosé smiled admiring the beauty of the older girl. She removed a few strands of the older girl's hair and tried to tuck it in behind her ear when the latter girl slowly opened her eyes, smiling.

"Good morning" Rosé greeted the older girl softly with a smile "Did I wake you up?"

Jennie smiled. She shook her head no and greeted the tall girl "Good morning hubby"

"How was your sleep?" Jennie added.

"I had a very peaceful sleep" the younger girl said but then she suddenly smirked "but not until you started snoring" Rosé laughed.

"Hey, I don't snore Chaeyoung-ah. Of all people, you should be the first person to know that." the older girl laughed as she slapped the taller girl's arm.

The taller girl laughed at the older girl's reaction as she caressed the spot where Jennie slapped "Wow, for a small girl like you, you sure do slap hard eonni." Chaeyoung teased the girl beside her. "What do you think our fans' reaction if they found out that the great Jennie Kim snores? Hmm?" she added earning another playful slap from the older girl.

"I hate you, Chaeyoung-ah. Stop teasing me." Jennie cooed showing her aegyo as she pouted and hid her face behind a pillow.

"Aww, my wifey's such a baby." Chaeyoung smiled reaching for the pillow and removed it from covering Jennie's face. She cupped the older girl's cheek and smiled "It doesn't really matter whether you snore, you drool or whatever it is, you are perfect to me Jennie."

While Rosé was internally cursing herself hoping for the ground to swallow her alive, Jennie froze at her friend's sudden compliment. Sure, Rosé compliments her members all the time, most especially her, but being in a situation where you're lying on the same bed, your faces only a few inches apart and both your eyes were locked with each other, then that's a whole lot different story.

No one dared to break the eye contact. Rosé's still cupping Jennie's cheek caressing it lightly using her thumb while the other girl's contemplating on what should she do.

"Girls, wake up! Breakfast is ready." Jennie's mother enthusiastically announced barging in her daughter's room causing the girls to look away from each other. Rosé sighed and internally thanked Jennie's mother for barging in while Jennie groaned for her mother's sudden appearance.

"You scared us, eomma. You could've just knocked." Jennie whined as she sat up looking at her mother.

"Why would I knock in my own house, my dear?" Jennie's mother sarcastically said and walked towards the bed, specifically on her daughter's side "Now get up and fix yourselves. Do not let the breakfast to wait for you." her mother demanded slapping her daughter's leg.

"Ah eomma, that hurts!" Jennie playfully whined using her aegyo voice which made her mother cringe.

"Oh Jennie, you can't use that on me. Now get up! Faster! Faster!" she pulled her daughter from the bed and playfully pushed her towards the bathroom "Wash your face please. You don't want to let pretty Chaeyoung see your face filled with your drool right?" her mother teased causing Jennie to groan louder.

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