1- not a bad day

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Scott screamed as the roller coaster zoom, zoom, zoomed down from the top. He looked over at the people next to him, who seemed to be having as much fun as he was.
I wish Avi would have come with me, Scott thought to himself. He had come with his best friend, Avi. Unfortunately his fear of heights had gotten in the way of having fun on the roller coaster, but Scott was still having the time of his life.

"This is amazing!" Scott screamed. "Wooooo!!!!"

Scott got off the ride and immediately ran towards Avi, still a bit dizzy from the ride. "Dude, you should have come." Scott told him, "It was amazing." Avi shook his head, grinning. His long hair whipped as he shook it, the August wind increasing its movement.

"No, I'd just be screaming the whole time." Avi reasoned. Scott looked at him, his blue eyes smiling and shining in the summer sun.

"Yeah, but that's what's fun! It's exhilarating." Scott exclaimed. He put his arm around Avi. "Come on, Kaplan. We're gonna find you a ride that you'll like."

Avi pulled against him mildly, but Scott dragged him along. Avi sighed.
"Hey! It'll be fun." Scott said, grinning.

As they walked, Scott still dragging his best friend, Scott noticed something moving quickly through the crowds. He turned, and saw a man running.

He was dark skinned, with a mild beard and muscular shape, nearly as tall as Scott. He stopped running, and noticed Scott watching him. Scott waved, trying to be friendly. The man smiled, and walked away. Weird, Scott thought to himself, who was that guy? Why was he running?

Scott and Avi approached a huge roller coaster named Titan's Sword. Avi exhaled.
"I'm not going on that thing."
"Face your fears, coward!" Scott teased. He pulled Avi's arm. Avi rolled his eyes.

As they got in line, Scott noticed that the man he had seen previously was in line right before them. He grinned. "Scott!" Avi whisper-shouted at his best friend. "What?" Scott inquired. Avi pointed at a group of girls, one of them waving at Avi while the others talked. They were getting in line behind them.
"Go for it, dude." Scott patted his shoulders.

He turned back at the mysterious man.
"Hi." Scott tapped his shoulder and extended his hand. The man paused before the recognition hit him.
"Hey, dude." He took his hand and shook it firmly. Scott could feel rough callouses on his palms.
"So, you excited to go on 'Titan's Sword'?" Scott asked, emphasizing the name of the ride. The man laughed. "Yeah. I've been on it before, though." He admitted.
"Does it suck?" Scott remarked.
"Not actually. The first few times are better though; you're lucky." He informed him.
Scott was surprised; how many times could he have gone on it? "Um, how many times have you been on it?"
The man looked down, and it seemed like a wave of sadness hit him. "I-I'm not sure." Scott nodded, looking away. He didn't know why he had been struck by the sadness, but he didn't want to prod. They had just met.
"Well, I'm Scott." he moved along the conversation.
"I'm Kevin." He responded. Scott glances back at Avi. He was talking to the girl while her friends giggled to each other. Scott grinned.
Kevin looked back. "He your friend?"
Kevin smiled. "How long have you known him?"
Scott sighed. "It's been years; I'm not sure. We met at my sister's wedding; her husband is his coworker." Kevin nodded. "Cool."
The conversation started to die out as they reached the entrance to the ride.
Avi ran up to Scott.
"Hey Scott," he whispered, "Is it okay if I sit with Alex? That's her name." Scott nodded. "Good luck, bro." He laughed as Avi went back and literally bowed to Alex. God he needs some dating help.
Kevin grinned at Scott.
"I couldn't help but overhear that conversation between you and your friend. Wanna sit with me ?" He offered. Scott nodded, taken aback by the kindness.
As they got off the ride, Scott was inhaling deeply. Kevin furrowed his brows at Scott's sudden heavy breathing.
"Hey, are you okay?" He asked.
Scott kept breathing, slipping a worded explanation in between breaths. "That... was.. AMAZING!" Kevin grinned.
"Well, Scott, I have to get going. See you later." Kevin waved as he walked away.
Scott smiled, watching him walk away.
Avi ran up and put his hands on Scott's shoulders.
"So, couple things. Who was that? Are y'all dating or something? Second, I got Alex's number!" Avi exclaimed.
Scott laughed. "No, Avi, we just met. Besides, he's probably straight. Also, congrats! I'll start planning the wedding."

As the day came to a close, Scott dropped off Avi before going home.
"I wish today would go on forever." Scott murmured.
Avi nodded. "It was fun, huh. Bye dude."

Scott arrived home and plopped onto his bed. He sighed, his head full of thoughts; Kevin, Avi. He grinned.

Not a bad day.

WOW another book! I'm very excited about this, and I hope some of y'all are too. Few disclaimers:
1) I will not put any romantic relationships between PTX in this story. Sorry if you wanted that, but this is just a fluffy friendship book.
2) I may not update too often, due to school etc. However, I really will try my best.
3) Matt WILL be in this book, because I felt vv guilty about not having him in Practically Strangers.
4) Scott is the main character. That's just the way it is for this book, and it might be different for other ones I write in the future. But he is in this one.

Anyways, those aside, I really hope you enjoy "trapped in time!"

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