9- home sweet home

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A week had past for the five of them (but not for everybody else...) in Tokyo. They had an amazing time. They truly felt in their element. But they all knew it was time to go home.

They booked an early morning flight and went home. They decided that Matt and Mitch would move in with the other three.

A month had passed since they moved in. Scott and Kirstin shared Kirstin's bed, Mitch slept on the couch (it was actually quite comfortable, he didn't mind) and Kevin and Matt shared Kirstin's guest bed. They loved being around each other. Everyday was a new, exciting adventure. Scott knew these people were meant to be his best friends. They were soulmates.

One day, Scott woke up and heard crying from somewhere in the apartment. He looked around. It wasn't Kirstin. He got out of bed and left the room. He saw Mitch, fast asleep. It wasn't Mitch. It was Kevin or Matt. He slowly opened the door to their room and saw Kevin and Matt sitting next to each other. It seemed like Kevin was comforting Matt.

Scott quickly went to Matt's other side, and put an arm around him. "Hey, hey," Scott tried comforting him, "What's wrong?"

"W-What if we n-ever leave this loop?" Matt asked, sobs breaking his words. "I wanna have a life, you know. I have dreams. A-A family, a career; what if I never get to properly talk to my family again? I love my parents, my sister..." he broke down.

Kevin and Scott squeezed tighter.
"Hey. We're here. And we're gonna get out of this hell. I promise you that. But we love you. And we're in this together." Kevin said, looking into Matt's eyes.

"Yeah, Matt. No matter what. We will never leave you. We are together, and we will get through all of this." Scott added on.

Matt took a deep breath, wiping away his tears. "T-thank you."

"Don't worry. We got your back."

Scott didn't know how long they stayed hugging and helping Matt, but it must've been after midnight when it happened because Scott didn't remember being forced into sleep; he was back in his bed.

When he woke up again in the true morning, he smelled bacon. His mouth immediately watered.

He got out of bed. Kirstin and Matt were making breakfast together. He watched as Kirstin snuck a piece of bacon to give to Olaf, making Matt playfully argue with her. Scott smiled. Everything was back to normal. Well, their normal.

Kevin walked in as Scott watched them.  He stood next to Scott. They looked at each other. Kevin held out a fist. Scott first bumped him.
"We're awesome." Scott stated.
"You're so right." Kevin agreed.

Scott and Kevin talked for a while while  Kirstin and Matt finished up breakfast. The four of them sat down at the table.

"Wait, why the hell is Mitch not up?" Matt asked. They all sighed.

"I'll go get him." Kirstin volunteered. She got up and left to go to the living room where Mitch's couch/bed was. Scott heard a variety of playful arguing and a few loud bangs, and Mitch walked through into the kitchen. His hair was ruffled, and Kirstin was holding back laughter.

"I had to pull him out of bed." Kirstin informed them.

They all laughed except for Mitch, who angrily plopped scrambled eggs onto his plate.

"Ha...." Scott exhaled, grinning. Mitch looked up at him with a glare and shook his head. "There's our Mitchie."

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