3- coffee

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"Yes, everyday. Although, it is the the same day."
"For how long?"
Kevin sighed at Scott's question.
"I don't know. I counted at the beginning, but lost track. At least a few years. Maybe five or so?"
Scott felt an immediate clenching throughout his body. It felt like anger, sympathy, and worry all combined.
"Have you met anyone else besides me?"
Kevin shook his head. "I've been alone."
Scott exhaled, sympathy taking over his body. Kevin has been alone, living the same day over and over again. He imagined how lonely that must've been. He tried to move along the conversation so it wouldn't depress them too much.

"So, do you always wake up in the same spot?" Scott asked.
Kevin shook his head again. "I always wake up wherever I went to sleep. I don't really know how, but it's a good thing. I've been able to travel the world."
Scott gulped before asking his next question. He was worried how Kevin would take it. "So... have you ever tried to... you know..."
"No, I haven't tried to kill myself. I'm too scared to find out what will happen."
Scott nodded in understanding.

"Kevin, can we go get coffee or something?" Scott suggested.
Kevin nodded.
They walked out of Kevin's apartment. The beaming sun hit Scott's eyes, surprising him. It was still morning. They walked along the sidewalk, past a few people and their dogs and kids and partners. They have no idea, Scott thought, No idea that Kevin and I might see them again today, at this time, many, many more days.

They walked into a Starbucks. As they stood in line, Scott felt his phone buzz. Avi was texting him again.

Hello? Why aren't you texting me?!

Scott put away his phone. If he was going to live this day forever, what's the point in texting back?

They got their coffees and sat down. Scott didn't want to continue talking about his new fate, so he tried to make small talk.
"So, Kevin, do you have a girlfriend?" Scott asked.
Kevin nodded. "Yeah, her name is Leigh. We've only been dating for a month, and we made it official when it was yesterday. That's why she doesn't live with me yet."
Scott nodded. "Can I see a picture of her? I'm curious." He realized how creepy that sounded. "Sorry, I'm not a stalker."
Kevin smiled. "Of course, she's beautiful."
He pulled out his phone and showed Scott a picture.

"Wow!" Scott exclaimed, "she's so pretty!" Kevin nodded fondly

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"Wow!" Scott exclaimed, "she's so pretty!"
Kevin nodded fondly. He put his phone back in his pocket.
"So Scott," Kevin returned the question, "Do you have a girlfriend?"
Scott smiles.
"No, no. I'm single, and also gay." He shrugged.
Kevin nodded. "That's cool."

After they had finished their coffees and conversations, they both went home. Kevin told Scott he was going to go hang out with Leigh.
Scott had no plans. He decided to try and get out of going to the theme park with Avi, since he had gone the day before. (Technically, that day.)

Hey dude, I'm so sorry. I'm not feeling too great, so I don't think I can go the the theme park with you. Maybe we can just hang out?

Scott texted Avi. He waited a minute before feeling the little buzz.

That's okay. Hope you feel better dude. Maybe we could have lunch at that deli place by the train?

Scott grinned. That was one of his favorite places for a quick bite to eat. He always got the roast beef.

Yeah, sure. 12:15?

He waited about ten seconds for a response.

Okay! See u soon.


This is a kinda chill chapter 😅😄 Hope y'all enjoyed it!!

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