6- others

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Mitch's jaw dropped. "So you are like us?" Scott nodded. Kirstin squealed from next to him.

Mitch looked over at the man next to him, who was grinning. "Introduce yourself!" He whisper-shouted at him.

The man seemed to wake himself back up with a little shake of the head, and extended a hand towards Scott.

"I'm Matt."

"Scott. This is Kirstin, and this is Kevin." Matt shook all of their hands.

Nobody said anything afterwards they just looked at each other.

Mitch broke the silence. "So you'd date me, huh Scott." Kirstin giggled to an extreme amount. Scott turned as red as a maple tree in autumn.

"I-I mean... I don't know you that well... So..." Scott stammered. Mitch smiled understandingly.

"Well, I have a feeling you'll get to know me much better." Mitch stated with a bittersweet smile.

The rest of the plane ride continued with innocent and childish banter, and funny messages sent on the plane messaging system. Something about the five of them just clicked, and it felt like they had known each other for years.

When the plane landed, the five of them sat in a little airport cafe.

"So.. what now?" Kirstin asked.
"Can we go sightseeing?" Matt suggested excitedly. They all tried to stifle their laughter.
"Matt, it's like 10 at night; everything will reset." Mitch informed him gently. Matt let out a little "Oh," before sinking a little in his seat. Scott patted him on the shoulder in comfort.
"Well, we should go to a hotel." Kevin told them. They all nodded.

"Wait," Scott realized, "When we wake up in the morning, won't somebody be sleeping there? What if they left before we come now, but we're sleeping there that night?" Kirstin and Matt were taken aback by this realization. Mitch and Kevin were shaking their heads.

"When I've stayed in hotels, I just ask for a room that had nobody in it. Sure I get weird glances, but they won't remember in the morning." Mitch explained. Kevin nodded. "Same."

They looked at each other. "So how long have you been living this day?" Kevin asked.
"Five years, 42 days. Soon to be five years, 43 days." Mitch stated in a matter of fact way. Scott, Kirstin, and Matt all sighed. Scott knew that must be hard for Mitch. He was alone; Scott had never been alone in the repetition.

Kevin processed the information. His eyes lit up; not with happiness, but with realization of something shocking.
"I think that's how long I have!"

All of their eyes widened at the sound of Kevin's realization.
"Are you sure?" Mitch asked. Kevin nodded.

Scott turned to Matt. "So how long have you been in?"

"One month and a day." Matt answered. Kirstin's eyes widened. "That's how long I've been in!"

Matt and Kirstin looked at each other with excitement. Matt, ever the silly one, held up a hand for a high five. She high fived him.

Kevin, following Matt's initiative, held up his hand for Mitch to high five. Scott could tell Mitch was judging him. Mitch shook his head, and Kevin put down his hand in slight sadness, though he was smiling.

"So where's my repetition buddy?!" Scott exclaimed, causing laughter from the other four.

As the laughter died down, Scott glanced at his phone. Oops.

"Guys, it's 11:21," he told them, "we should get going or else we'll fall asleep here!"

They all hopped a train in Tokyo to a hotel. Kevin booked the room, and gave  them instructions for who's rooming with who. (Scott and Kirstin, Matt and Mitch and Kevin (that way, Scott and Mitch weren't together, and Kirstin wasn't with Kevin or Matt. Nobody would sleep with each other in these rooms, not that they would. It was just appropriate and safe.) to which the other four responded to Kevin, "Thanks Dad," sarcastically.)

Scott and Kirstin stayed up until midnight, talking and giggling (about Mitch mainly, which Scott in revenge suggested Katt (Matt and Kirstin) to which they teased and teased each other about.) They were awake at 11:59:59, and the strange powers that be made them fall asleep on the spot, and the next thing they knew Kevin was giving them a wake up call.

"WAKE UP Y'ALL, YOU READY TO SEE TOKYO?!?! WHATTTTT?!" (A/N the "Whhatt?! At the end of this video from Kevin. I don't really know how to convey it in words so here it is.)

A/N hope Y'all enjoyed! This chapter was kinda fluffy and chill so yeah hope u enjoyed and be sure to vote and shit okay thanks guys

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